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Education and Technology

Essay Instructions:

Articulate your typed essay into 3 clearly separate sections: an introduction of the topic and its context, a development of the topic (body), a conclusion that recaps your main points along with introducing either your solutions to the problem on hand or a view into other avenues to research further such a topic. TOPIC: When the economy is at full-employment (all plants are working 3 shifts of 8 hours a day for 365 days in a year), it can only grow further through technological advances and accumulation of capital. Thinking about the "creative destruction" process of capitalism, explain how education is a requirement for technological advances to lead us to growth without raising the natural rate of unemployment in the long-run. Keep in mind that the labor market is hybrid in the sense that it is comprised of skilled and unskilled workers who are affected differently by the incorporation of the technological advances unto the work place. Explore the relevance of such a scenario in your personal life and in your job search

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Education and Technology
Education and technology are two of the most important factors in any economy. This is due to the fact that most of the advances made in either of the field affects the economy directly or indirectly. It is crucial to note that education comes before technology advances and then the later affects the future of the educational advances (Ofb.net, 2014). If there are new techniques of processing data using the microprocessors, this will increase the speed and the efficiency of the related tasks. At the same time, these related tasks will change the rate at which research on further development in the education realms takes place. The overall effect is that both education and technology are inseparable (Hutinger, 2014).
Technology and Education
When Intel’s founder, Gordon Moore, gave his forecast about the future and technology, he made some very intriguing remarks. In his forecast, he felt that the processing speed and power of the processors would more than double every eighteen months, while the price of the technology would drop progressively every year at the rate of about 35%. Over the years this has come to pass and more is expected in the future. Ideally, with more research there is better technology that comes of it. This shows an intricate relationship between technology and education. Technology advances ensure that there better ways of expanding the education base, however it does not give a limit or control mechanism. Today it is much easier to conduct research, as there are billions of resources scattered across the internet.

Technology, education, economy and the Future
One of the disadvantages of technology which is commonly cited is the fact that it affects the rate of employment negatively. This is due to the fact that technological advances tend to come with more refined ways of completing tasks, with greater effectiveness as well as efficiency and therefore quality and higher returns (Hutinger, 2014). This does not always have to be the case as technology and education can be intertwined in manner that will bring higher employment and thus higher economic growth.
Education should be the pivotal point of developing technology. In turn, the educational needs should be poised towards making sure that majority of the people can make good use of it to improve their skills and employability (Pelletier, 2014). Given that technology is always becoming more powerful and more affordable at the same time, i...
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