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Economic Matters and the Mathematics of Finance

Essay Instructions:

This homework will be scored out of 30 points, but Pass/Fail-style: If you get more than 10 points, your score will be rounded up to 30. If you get 10 points or less, your score will be rounded to 10.

This is not really a quantitative or mathematical assignment. It is more of a qualitative essay question.

Professor Rosanna Pezzo-Brizio said in her presentation two years ago:

The virus is the event of this generation: the market will refer to Pre-Virus Era and Post-Virus Era. This Virus will shape the world and the economy differently

Now, two years later, we have seen some of the economic consequences of the pandemic unfold. There have also been other things happening. Among them:

• Various fiscal stimulus packages (especially in the US) and action or non-action by the FED (the US Federal Reserve), and other central banks, in response to the pandemic • Presidential election in the US

• Military action in the Ukraine and subsequent sanctions against Russia.

It will be useful to spend some time systematically thinking about what is going on and how it affects financial markets. That is the purpose of this homework assignment.

• Write a summary/analysis of what has happened in financial markets in 2021-2022, as it relates to the events mentioned above. Also address the question of what is happening with inflation and how investors can hedge or profit from inflation.

Length: 1000-1600 words. No penalty nor reward for writing more than 1600 words.

Take your point of departure in the presentation from April 14 by Torsten Slok from Apollo Global Management:

• Outlook for the US economy and financial markets

Beyond that, use whatever sources of information you want. The more factual and credible your sources, the better. 2

Please provide precise references to your sources. If you include direct quotes, make clear they are direct quotes (usually by putting them in quotation marks). Make sure to avoid plagiarism. If you use somebody else’s ideas, do not pretend they are your own, but attribute them to that other person.

After the semester is over, you may want to occasionally revise and add to your essay, to keep your understanding fresh and up to date.

Suggested Readings:

Reifschneider and Wilcox: The Case for a Cautiously Optimistic Outlook for US Inflation https://www.piie.com/sites/default/files/documents/pb22-3.pdf

Blanchard: Why I worry about inflation, interest rates, and unemployment https://www.piie.com/blogs/realtime-economic-issues-watch/why-i-worry-about-inflationinterest-rates-and-unemployment

Obstfeld: The international financial system after COVID-19 https://www.piie.com/publications/working-papers/international-financial-system-after-covid19

Economic Report of the President https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/ERP_2022_.pdf

The following documents have been uploaded in CourseWorks:

• Tatevossian Brenner Slides MARCH 18th.ppt (Summarizes the state of fixed income markets about a year ago)

• Neville Etal The Best Strategies for Inflationary Times 2021.pdf

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Economic Matters
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The Covid-19 pandemic has posed significant challenges to many industries, especially in the economic sector. Most countries designed strategies to stabilize the disrupted economic activities as a response to the worsening situation (Obstfeld, 2022). Numerous dislocations emerging from the pandemic extended to every part of the economy across nations. The affected sectors comprised corporate, public, consumer, and capital markets. Countries like the U.S. reacted to the strain by implementing aggressive fiscal interventions, such as the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act, signed by the nation's president, Biden. Actions taken regarding the monetary front entailed multi-faceted bond purchasing and liquidity programs. This paper analyzes the above factors to establish how the U.S. government effectively reacted to the pandemic's impacts on the economy. The discussion utilizes numerous events like U.S.'s presidential elections and fiscal stimulus packages by FED and other central banks to respond to Covid-19. Besides, the analysis focuses on the military action in Ukraine and various sanctions against Russia.
The monetary policies designed by "the U.S. Federal Reserve System" play an essential role in macroeconomic boosting based on the fiscal stimulus packages. The agency's efforts to reverse and halt the economic challenge triggered by the pandemic involved multiple forms. First, FED implemented the conventional regulation toolkit incorporating unprecedented speed. It cut its nominal interest rate to 0% and offered forward guidance that the zero-rate policy would be operational until the economy stabilized. Later, FED announced $700 billion in asset purchases of U.S. mortgage-backed securities and treasuries. This action meant a significant relief to the economy through improved transactions free from taxation. In March 2021, FED indicated it would allow its policy of bank reserve needs to expire on 31st March 2021.
Initially announced in 2020, the regulation temporarily offered banks the allowance to exclude deposits and treasuries with Fed banks based on their balance sheets to calculate reserve requirements. This would allow them to lend more. Besides, during the same year, Fed indicated that the temporary limitations on buybacks and dividends placed on banks in 2020 would be terminated after June 2021. The offer would allow banks to accumulate more money without charges to boost their recovery from the pandemic. The allowance was to be offered to banks to meet capital needs during stress tests in 2021. Restrictions were moved forward for banking entities that failed to attain capital requirements. Although the pandemic was still a significant problem, the above strategies greatly empowered America's economy between 2021 and 2022.
The U.S. presidential elections held in 2020 greatly impacted the country's financial markets. Apart from the internal market, the event also affected global financial aspects since it was a major global business actor. The nation's presidential elections are strategic because they affect future and current economic trends. The 2020 election came when the U.S. was facing numerous challenges. An example was the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, the new government was forced to design suitable strategies to stabilize the challenging situation. The catastrophe significantly impacted its responsibility level in helping Americans. Congressional Republicans pushed for business aid, believing that implementing it would support people by protecting jobs and strengthening the economy.
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