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Describe Economic Justice: Classical Moral Philosophy

Essay Instructions:

How to write a short paper for the Introduction to Ethics course

  1.  Select a topic for your paper :
  • Go to the Concise Edition of the Ethics: Theory and Contemporary Issues book  (it is your E-text assigned for this class)  and pick a topic that you would like to explore.  The book contains a range of topics from Euthanasia, Racial Justice, Economic Justice to Abortion to Death Penalty to Terrorism, etc.  A topic is not the same as an ethical theory, you will be using ethical theories to analyze the topic.
  • Read the book’s chapter that pertains to your selected topic to inform yourself about different moral positions on the issue that you selected to write about.
  1. Start your paper by explaining why you selected this topic and why the topic is important from the moral philosophy point of view (hint: people often disagree on how to handle morally important topics)
  2. Proceed to describe how different moral theories that we have learned about in class would explain different moral positions that can be developed regarding this topic  (hint: utilitarian theory will say this about the topic, cultural pluralism will say this, and deontology will say this); please use at least two different moral theories two address different positions on the topic.
  3. Make sure to use additional sources of information while describing different sides of the issue that you are exploring:  you can use newspaper articles, scientific journals (the Library has databases that contain scientific journal articles), and internet data posted by non-profits or think tanks that research your chosen topic.  Using mass media articles can be done in two ways: you can either add some factual information to the issue (hint: not everyone who is placed on the death row has actually committed a crime of which they were convicted, etc.), or you can use mass media articles to find an opinion on the issue and integrate it into your paper.   Some mass media articles may integrate both:  factual information about an issue and an opinion that an author developed or is advocating for based on this factual information.
  4. Conclude with a summary of different moral philosophy approaches to the issue that you have explored in your paper and tell me which moral theory you personally favor in your own view on the issue.  Explain why you are favoring a particular moral theory for this particular issue.
  5. Make sure that you list all of your references, spellcheck your paper, number your pages, and make sure that it is at least 500 words in length (you can submit up to a 3000 word long paper).
  6. Bring a printed copy of your paper to class and post it on Self-Assign on Blackboard.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Economic Justice
Course and Prefix Number
Economic Justice
Economic justice is part of social justice. It regards the moral values and principles for building economic institutions. Economic justice serves to provide equality and thus equal opportunities for all people. In this way, every individual in the society gets the significant and material base to live in a productive, dignified and creative life beyond economics. The fundamentals of economic justice stipulate that official policies should facilitate equal allocation of benefits to all in an economy (McKinnon & Fiala, 2014). Accordingly, the understudy delineates the aspects of economic inequality, conceptions of social justice, the related political and economic theories and the alignment of economic justice with different moral theories.
Economic Inequality
Justice is one of the cardinal values of classical moral philosophy. This makes social and economic justice critical components of morality and moral philosophy. The challenges of economic justice relate to issue of fairness, just and equality. Thus, the two intertwine and interrelate and thus the need to espouse economic realities with moral philosophies. This gives a balance hence economic justice which if achieved can help resolve many social and economic issues such as crime, poverty, inequality, discrimination, drug abuse, poor health outcomes, and violence among others.
Economic inequality is viewed in aspects regarding; pay, income levels, and wealth disparities. Other factors influence individualistic economic disparities. These include disabilities, gender, race and even ethnic backgrounds. Such factors must be considered in the effective narrowing of the economic disparities gap. Income inequality regards the unevenness of the degree to which income is distributed among people. Income comes from savings, investments, employment earnings, pensions, benefits and other received payments. Pay inequalities regard the differences between peoples’ pay. Wealth inequalities are general encompassing the amount of assets different people own.
The Gini coefficient is one way used to measure economic inequality. It measures the inequality across the entire society. Archibald (2013) elucidates that the United States of America has a high Gini coefficient of zero point four five. This is the second highest ratio compared to other nations. Other measurement techniques include Palma ratio and ratio measures. Poverty is closely associated with economic inequality. Poverty is a situation whereby a certain class of people is considered economically worse off than the rest of the population (McKinnon & Fiala, 2014). This means that the people in this class are not able to get and access basic goods and services for an acceptable living standard.
People in poverty are often unable to access proper quality medical/health care services. This may be attributable to their lack of insurance coverage. For this reason, economic inequality leads to other forms of inequalities such as undesired health care disparities in a nation.
Conceptions of Social Justice
The concepts of distributive justice provide moral guidance for political processes and structures which influence the allocation of benefits and burdens in communities. The conceptions of social justice should be on the basis of the degree to which people have control over their own lives. Distributive justice regards fairness in how resources are allocated and usually fixates on how it is determined who gets what (McKinnon & Fiala, 2014). Errors do occur in the process but corrective action must always be implemented.
The end-state distributive justice applies standards to define what is just and what is unjust. It typically ignores how people get where they are and fixates on where they are. For example, stipulating that every individ...
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