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Econ 104: John Maynard Keynes Contributions Homework Assignment #5

Essay Instructions:

Read an article about John Maynard Keynes. Identify 2 "big" ideas he has.

Time Magazine called John Maynard Keynes one of the top 100 scientists and thinkers of the 20th century.

From the article, identify two “big” ideas that Keynes had. Explain why they are important.


you can only use the source from this article. the article is in this website.

use APA form.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

John Maynard Keynes Contributions
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John Maynard Keynes Contribution
John Maynard Keynes was a graduate from the England executive prep school, and a famous Cambridge University professor. He was a popular business elite and he had contributed to the success of the Bank of England and the life insurance company when he worked there as a chairman and director respectively. Keynes had outstanding ideas specifically when it comes to economic-related cases. In this paper the two major ideas that Keynes contributed; the idea of peace and the ideas of employment and inflation will be discussed.
Keynes first main idea was after the end of the First World War. After the war Keynes was selected as one of the delegates in Paris Peace Conference. He wrote a book The Economic Consequences of Peace. In his book, Keynes explained that the only certain way of ensuring peace in the world was to help the countries that were affected by war. He also argued that if all countries that were involved in war practiced public investment then the defeated countries can import products at low prices from the countries that won. The public investment would also enhance democracy among the middle class in Germany, Italy, and Japan.
This idea had a positive impact as it helped in the development of the European countries’ economies. It also helped in the quick recovery of companies that were affected most by the World War Two. Through the help of the vic...
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