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Disadvantages Of Various Methods Of Government Intervention

Essay Instructions:

Guidance Notes:

  • · There should be clear evidence of extensive reading on this topic, and critical evaluation of economic theory and empirical evidence.
  • · You could apply the economic concepts and theory, e.g. industry organization (IO), elasticity of demand, etc., to discuss government interventions and the potential benefits from market power.
  • · You are required to provide empirical examples to support your argument.
  • · You are expected to consult a range of reliable resources, e.g. textbooks, academic 
papers (peer-reviewed).
  • · You should make full use of electronic database available in library to gather relevant 
information (both theoretical and empirical).
  • · Please do NOT use unreliable internet sources of information, such as Wikipedia.

Suggested Essay Format: 
The report is divided into sections, often something like this:

Section1: Introduction

 · Motivation

  • · Briefly indicate the economic theory you would apply to support your work.
  • · At the end of this section, briefly summarize the contents of the rest of the essay, 
section by section. 
Expectation: stimulating introduction that is concise and written clearly to encourage the reader to read the remainder of the essay. It contains the structure of the essay telling the reader briefly what is discussed in each section of the essay.

Section 2: Main body (You need to name section 2)

  • · Decide on the most logical order of your paragraphs: there should be several sub- sections (denoted as Section 2.1, 2.2, etc.)
  • · Application of economic theories, critical analysis of government intervention us · Within each subsection, application about the economic theory, discussion of related empirical examples, critical analysis of government interventions, etc. should be 

 Section 3: Conclusion

  • · Explain the significance key points supporting your argument. 
Expectation: conclusion is logical and concisely summarising the analysis and/or findings. The conclusion should not include any new information.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Mathematics & Economics
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Methods of Government Intervention to Correct Market Failure
Explaining "economic regulation" using patterns of government intervention in the market is major challenge. Business regulation by government is very important because the processes attempt to create a level playing field for industries competing while ensuring customer oriented and honest business practices. Every business should understand how the government affects its operations as well as the industry it is operating in and how they intend to run their company. Main concern for the government economic regulation policy is the monopoly industry (Baker, 2010). There are theories of economic regulation have been proposed that are very promising in government economic regulation (Baldwin, Cave & Lodge, 2012). This paper will argue that the price controls and antitrust law, the meaning, advantages and the disadvantages of the mechanism and examples to explain how the mechanism and the law work in the market economy.
2.0 Government Intervention
2.1 Price Controls
Price controls are mandates set by government on both minimum and maximum prices for certain goods and are frequently put in place as a means of direct economic intervention by the government to manage the affordability of certain goods especially basic goods or staples such as energy, food products among others (Stocking, 2012). The controls on prices that set maximum prices are known as price ceilings while those setting minimum prices are known as price floors. The importance of set price controls at a maximum point is that Price cannot rise above a given level. Thus, leads to a possible fall in prices below the market equilibrium price. The benefits the customers as the scenario may lead to lower prices. This scenario is also disadvantageous because it will lead to lower supply which will lead to a shortage. Demand will surpass supply leading to creation of waiting lists hence emergence of black markets in a bid as to curb shortage of the good while paying relatively above the market prices. Consequently, price controls leading to minimum prices gives producers a higher income. These incomes are used to increase farmers’ incomes in exchange for produce goods. Minimum prices are disadvantageous consumers who have to pay higher prices, higher import tariffs, encourages oversupply and inefficient and/or had over-supply. An example of price control scenario is Housing. A maximum price for renting may be set by the government to make sure housing is affordable. The results maybe reduced supply of housing hence homelessness (Stocking, 2012). However, the scenario may be that landlords have monopolised power making supply very inelastic. For this case, a price ceiling may result to cheaper renting exclusive of reduced supply. Generally price controls disturb the market mechanisms and lead to shortage or excessive supply. They can aggravate problems instead of bring fourth solutions. Nonetheless, in some occasions price controls may help for example, when experiencing volatile in agricultural prices.
2.2 Law
Introduce the Antitrust Law
Antitrust laws is a term referring to the "competition laws" or the statutes developed by the United States Government to help in protecting the consumers from greedy practices in business by enabling fair competition existence in a flea-market economy. Anti-trust focuses on encouraging fair competition while protection of the consumers as well as competition companies from business practices that are anti-competitive. These laws forbid any unfair realization or conservation of sole power (Carrier, 2010). They also prohibit the exploitation of the monopoly power acquired to create a fresh monopoly as well as cooperative efforts among several companies restricting market entry by new ones. While anti-trust laws were put into operation with commendable o...
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