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What is the Current macroeconomic situation in the U.S

Essay Instructions:
I have downloaded the instructions.Please check the file and call me with questions. Thank you. Question: What is the "current macroeconomic situation" in the U.S. (e.g. is the U.S. economy currently concerned about unemployment, inflation, recession, etc.)? What fiscal policies and monetary policies would be appropriate at this time? 1. Write your individual answers to the questions listed above together in essay format (minumum of 300 words combined in APA style), using correct economic terms covered in the discussions. If you only write 300 words, you probably won't be able to fully answer the questions. Use the APA Template in Doc Sharing as a guide. You will also find the grading rubric for this assignment in Doc Sharing. 2. Key concepts to include in your paper--data trends on unemployment, inflation, GDP growth, expansionary fiscal policy tools, FOMC, easy money policy tools and other terms from this class. 3. You must use at least one article. Note: The textbook is not an article and cannot be the only source for the assignments. Use the DeVry Library as a resource for finding your references. Grading Scale Part Earned Points Criteria I 60 Content of your paper 1. Write your individual answers to the questions listed above together not each minimum 300 words in essay format in APA style [use APA template in Doc Sharing], using correct economic terms covered in the discussions. If you ONLY write 300 words, you probably won't be able to fully answer the questions. 2. Data trends on unemployment, inflation, GDP growth, expansionary fiscal policy tools, FOMC, easy money policy tools and other terms from this class. Data trends should have recent data for your chosen economic issue (e.g. unemployment statistics from BLS for the last 6 Quarters of) 3. You must use at least one article. Note: The textbook is not an article and cannot be the ONLY source for the assignments. Use the DeVry Library as a resource for finding your references. - Up to 60 points [Instructor's Grading Comments to individual students Here] II 5 Writing in APA format [Use APA template in Doc Sharing]: - Up to 5 points - Title page or name on paper - Introduction paragraph - Body of paper paragraph(s) with in-text citations provided for sources used - Conclusion paragraph - Reference(s) [Instructor's Grading Comments to individual students Here] III 5 Correctly cited using APA Online Reference [1 article]: - Up to 5 points [Instructor's Grading Comments to individual students Here] - The course textbook is not an article and can't be the ONLY source for the assignments. Use EBSCOhost in the DeVry Library as a resource for finding your references. - Go over carefully APA reference materials at the bottom of the Syllabus: watch APA Citation tutorial on how to cite original sources in the text of your paper using parenthetical citations, and how to format the Reference page and an entire paper. Late Submission: Yes/ No Earned Total 70 [DVUO Policy] For work, technical, or other personal issues, your professor will decide whether your late work may be accepted. Your professor will impose a per diem late penalty of 5% of the assignment points per day up to seven days. [Instructor's Grading Comments on Late Submission of Individual Students Here]
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Course title:

The present micro economic data indicates that US economy is growing at a judicious phase. This is despite the fact that the recuperation from the financial downturn and recession has been along and difficult journey. During the fourth quarter of 2012, the GDP grew by 3.0%, up from 1.8% during the third quarter. Approximately two thirds of that growth was attributed to restocking of business inventory. This however, appears to be a temporary boost of which may not be sustained in the coming years. In the same year, the economy grew by a slothful 1.7%. The blue Chip consensus of private sector forecasters predicted a GDP growth of 2.2% by the end of 2013. The Federal Reserve has been recorded as claiming that the economic recovery being experienced at present is modest and uneven by historical measures (Library of Congress, 2012)
The total payroll employment has grown by 228000 as at February 2013. The recent gains in jobs are hopeful, though growing a slow pace. On the other hand, the unemployment rate has remained low. Under employment rate, including people who are no longer interested in finding work or who are unable to find one has hit 15%. Moreover, long-term unemployment rate have almost remained at par with the unemployed populace that is those who have remained out of work for more than six months at 43% (Schwartz, 2013). Concern on the financial downturn in Europe has led into global investors seeking a risk free environment. This scenario has been advantageous to the treasury market and has assisted in pushing down the rates of US borrowing (Thomas, 2012).
US Unemployment Trends
According to  HYPERLINK "http://useconomy.about.com/bio/Kimberly-Amadeo-22286.htm" Amadeo (2012) the unemployment rate in US peaked at 10.2% in 2010. This was a stead growth of 4.5% from 2007. The unemployment had not been that high since the time of recession in 1980s. During the time of 2001 recession, the unemployment rate had peaked at .3% in 2003. According to the Federal Reserve forecast, unemployment rate is projected to remain above 7 percent in 2013 and above 7% in 2014. The Federal Reserve further points out that the unemployment rate may remain at 5-5 to 5.7%. This new rate of unemployment may have been triggered by the recession, owing to the long term unemployment. This has resulted into a high rate of structured unemployment, since their job experiences do not match the newly created jobs (U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2013).
There are various means by which unemployment could be measured in USA perspective. For instance, one is considered unemployed if he or she is unemployed and at the same time is searching for a job and is available for any vacancy that may arise. Individuals who are not considered employed or unemployed are not regarded as being in the labor force. In accordance to the Federal Reserve (2013), the unemployment rate in USA stood at 7.7% in 2013. This is an approximation of 12.0 million people. On the other hand, the federal government’s wider unemployment rate including the part time underemployed read as 14.3% an approximation of 22.2 million individuals. These numbers were calculated with a labor force of 155 million individuals, relative to US population of approximately 315 people.
There are a variety of reasons on why Congress should be concerned on the high unemployment rate. One of them is the unemployment that normally results into negative economic consequences for the nation as well as citizens. It also creates a negative impact on the federal budget. When the economy emerged from post war recession in 2009, the economy was standing at 9.5%. Since then, this rate has continued to come down. In the fourth quarter of 2012, it was reading at 8 percent, however, by historical standards, the rate of unemployment remains to be high (Levine, 2013).
The Congress Budget Office (CBO) has estimated in i...
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