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Cost Of Production, Overall Market And Recommendation For Coca-Cola

Essay Instructions:

milestone three : cost of production, overall market and recommendation. Company choose is Coca cola

4-2 Final Project Milestone Two: Supply and Demand Conditions and price Elasticity of Demand

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Rubric name: ECO 201 Milestone Two Rubric

This table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method.



Needs Improvement

Not Evident

Conditions: Impact

18 points

Effectively evaluates trends in demand over time and explains their impact on the industry and the firm

13.5 points

Evaluates trends in demand over time, but evaluation is ineffective or does not explain their impact on the industry and firm

0 points

Does not evaluate trends in demand over time

/ 18

Conditions: Firm’s Actions

18 points

Analyzes information and data related to the demand and supply for the firm’s product(s) to support recommendation for the firm’s actions and includes graphical representation of data and information

13.5 points

Analyzes information and data related to the demand and supply for the firm’s product(s), but information and data do not support recommendation for the firm’s actions or do not include graphical representation of data and information

0 points

Does not analyze information and data related to the demand and supply for the firm’s product(s)

/ 18

price Elasticity of Demand: Analyze

18 points

Analyzes the available data and information and justifies how the price elasticity of demand for the firm’s product was determined

13.5 points

Analyzes the available data and information, but does not justify how the price of elasticity of demand for the firm’s product was determined

0 points

Does not analyze the available data and information to determine the price elasticity of demand

/ 18

price Elasticity of Demand: Consumer Responsiveness

18 points

Explains the factors that affect consumer responsiveness to price changes for the product using the concept of price elasticity of demand as a guide

13.5 points

Explains the factors that affect consumer responsiveness to price changes for the product, but does not use the concept of price elasticity of demand as a guide

0 points

Does not explain the factors that affect consumer responsiveness to price changes for the product

/ 18

price Elasticity of Demand: Pricing Decisions

18 points

Accurately assesses how the price elasticity of demand impacts the firm’s pricing decisions and revenue growth

13.5 points

Assesses how the price elasticity of demand impacts the firm’s pricing decisions and revenue growth, but assessment is inaccurate

0 points

Does not assess how the price elasticity of demand impacts the firm’s pricing decisions and revenue growth

/ 18

Articulation of Response

10 points

Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization

7.5 points

Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas

0 points

Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas

/ 10

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Milestone three: cost of production, overall market and recommendation for Coca Cola Name Course Date Background Coca-Cola Co is a producer, seller, distributor and marketer of soft drinks and packaged water, and the company has diversified brand offerings, operating in the local US market and international market. There are franchised bottlers of the Coca- Cola Company in other countries outside the US and Coca-Cola has trademark products of company to such companies (SEC, 2018). The various bottling plants and distribution centers make it possible to manufacture and distribute the non-alcoholic beverages and brads including fruit drinks, fruit juice, teas, energy drinks and the sparkling beverages. The Coca- Cola Company has long-term business relationship with the suppliers to ensure operations run more smoothly. Cost of Production at coca cola Coca-Cola Consolidated, Inc. (COKE) is mainly the company the bottler, but analysis focuses on the Coca-Cola Company (KO) and includes subsidiaries. The cost of goods sold for 2017 was $13.256B, compared to $16.465B, from 2016 and these costs have declined in the past four years from $17.89 B in 2014 (SEC, 2018). The costs of goods sold include the beginning finished goods inventory plus the cost of go...
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