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Common Levels of Research

Essay Instructions:

Before writing your comments each week, review the BSHS Discussion Grading Rubric linked under Assessments. It will show you what is expected for an excellent discussion, in order to earn full credit.

Weekly participation in the discussion is required. Every week, your comments will be graded on how well they meet each of the criteria on the grading rubric.

This module focuses on inferential statistics. As a reminder, inferential statistics are used to determine the probability that a conclusion based on analysis of data from a sample is true (Norman & Streiner, 2008). The purpose of this discussion is to show the various types of hypotheses, how to identify them in an article and the importance of “significance” and a p-value.

For this discussion:


Using a peer-reviewed article of your choice, focused on a health study…

Identify the Ho and H1

Identify and explain what “significance” is in a general sense and in your chosen article. Be sure to discuss the p-value.

Required Reading 

Michelson, S. & Schofield, T. (2002). Chapter 2: Inference (pages 45-53). In: The Biostatistics Cookbook: The Most User-Friendly Guide for the Bio/Medical Scientist. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Available in Ebrary, accessed via Trident’s online library.

Additional Reading (Optional)

Davis, R. and Mukamal, K. (2006). Statistical Primer for Cardiovascular Research: Hypothesis testing. Retrieved from http://circ(dot)ahajournals(dot)org/content/114/10/1078.full

McDonald, JH (2009). Basic concepts of hypothesis testing. Retrieved from http://udel(dot)edu/~mcdonald/stathyptesting.html

Johnson, L. (2008). Principles of Hypothesis Testing for Public Health. National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Retrieved from www(dot)nihtraining(dot)com/cc/ippcr/current/downloads/HypoTest.pdf

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Common levels of research
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Common levels of research
(Statistical hypotheses)
Hypothesis is a prediction concerning two or more variables which are related. CITATION Dav06 \l 1033 (Davis & Mukamal, 2006) It is usually identified through highlighting the key variables in the study. A variable is anything that can change. A good hypothesis should be simple, testable, consistent and rational. There are various types of hypothesis and they include;
i) Research ii) Directional.iii) Non-directional iv) Statistical) Declarative.vi) Null vii) Question form.
Statistical hypothesis.-It is a process of drawing meaningful conclusions from results using information from a scientific study.
Null and Alternative Hypothesis.-Null hypothesis, H0, dictates that the variables being studied are not related in any way. However, alternative hypothesis, H1, dictates that the variables being studied are related and that the results donâ...
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