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Cardiac Case Study Paper

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Mr. Schustun’s Cardiac Case Study Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Mr. Schustun’s Cardiac Case Study Introduction This analysis focuses on the case of Mr. Jack H. Schustun who arrived at the emergency department after experiencing a progressive shortness of breath (SOB) for the past month. Mr. Schustun is a 57-year-old male patient who asserts that the month-old shortness of breath has also been interfering with his sleep. Historically, Mr. Schustun has a verified coronary artery disease (CAD). In 2018, he was also diagnosed with myocardial infarction (MI) that also necessitated a stent insertion. The other past medical conditions in Mr. Schustun’s chart include a history of gout, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension. The patient is widowed and is a former smoker. His record of activities of daily living (ADLs) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) show that he is an independent individual. Notably, Mr. Schustun has become dependent more on pre-prepared foods. Sometimes, he skips his meals. Partly, he is focused on his business, which makes it difficult for him to partake in some of the IADLs and ADLs. Still, the readings of his vital signs at the time of admission were tachypnea, hypoxemia, and tachycardia. The analysis will focus on Mr. Schustun’s data above to suggest diagnostic tests, priority treatments, and priority health teachings that are specific to the case. Diagnostic Tests The first step in addressing the case of Mr. Schustun must begin with specific tests to foster a better understanding of his condition. Principle among the tests that Mr. Schustun should undergo is an electrocardiogram (ECG). An ECG examination is vital in assessing the patient’s cardiac rhythm (Kiruthiga et al., 2024). Also, an ECG examination can help to determine the existence of arrhythmias, ischemic changes, or any other abnormalities that are linked to the functioning of the heart. In the case of Mr. Schustun, an ECG examination is vital because it can help to reveal arrhythmias such as arterial fibrillation. That is largely because the patient has showcased dyspnea symptoms as he arrived at the facility. Further, an ECG examination can help to assess any ongoing ischemia or previous myocardial damage that often exacerbates the chances of heart failure (Devadoss et al., 2024). Ultimately, the importance of an ECG test in this case is based on the fact that it provides real-time data on cardiac activity, which can be deployed to determine immediate interventions. Two more tests are recommended for the patient. A B-type Natriuretic peptide blood test or BNP blood test will be necessary to assess the possibility of heart failure. An increase in pressure and volume within the heart triggers the release of the BNP hormone (Devadoss et al., 2024). Hence, examining the levels of BNP can be used to determine the extent or severity of heart failure. A BNP test can be accompanied by rapid and acute testing to increase accuracy in determining the severity of CHF. BNP is a useful test and can inform vital ensuing decisions such as the choice to keep monitoring the patient for a particular duration or th...
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