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Current Event Discussion 2: Boehner Wants Joint Talks on Debt, Budget

Essay Instructions:
Read the article carefully and find points that relate back to the current and previous readings from class. Write a two page analysis relating the topic to any public budgeting issue. Be familiar and include the facts of the article, but do not summarize it for the writing. This analysis will provide you with a device to make connections between theory and practice in public budgeting. This is a formal writing assignment. Each assignment will be graded on content and form. Write carefully, use proper grammar, and organize your thoughts. Use double-spaced, 12 pt. font and APA format. SEE ATTACHMENT WITH ARTICLE and answer the questions: QUESTIONS: 1. What happened in the 1990s when Republicans refused to pass a continuing resolution to keep the government operating? How do you believe this experience could impact today's negotiations over the budget extension? 2. The House Republicans have voted 41 times to end the Affordable Care Act. Defending the ACA is a stipulation by House Republicans for keeping the government running after October 1. Why do Republicans see the ACA as their critical issue? Is this politically wise? 3. The U.S. until recently has routinely raised the debt ceiling under presidents of both parties. Given this, why does the U.S. have a debt ceiling when voting on the budget impacts the level of debt and that other nations do not have such a limitation? 4. Republicans oppose tax increases and cutting defense. Democrats oppose cuts to entitlement programs, such as Social Security and Medicare. Given this, is it possible to cut other agencies enough to reduce the deficit and still maintain viable programs? Be specific regarding impacts. 5. Analyze the problems that an enlarging debt has for a country that has led to concerns about the amount of the U.S. government debt.
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Current Event Discussion: Boehner Wants Joint Talks on Debt, Budget
Current Event Discussion: Boehner Wants Joint Talks on Debt, Budget
The 1995-1996 government shutdowns impacted the economy. From the health sector to immigration, the CDC stopped disease surveillance; toxic waste was not cleaned-up from work at sites whose workers were furloughed. Revenue from National Parks was lost; immigration department could not manage to make passports, process visa application because of lack of manpower. Airlines were affected too, most people could not fly out of the country because of lack of passports and tourists were unable to visit the country because visas had not been granted. The fear of government shutdowns and sending off workers on furlough will help both parties reach a compromise; nobody wants to be blamed for a government shutdown. The fear of such greater losses and the wrath of the public will help the democrats and republicans agree for the sake of the country and the economy (Hook & Boles, 2013).
The republicans feel that the ACA will increase the cost of premiums and make it expensive for the citizens. It is also felt that the government will spend more than it already is using on health care and get a chance to run the Act down. They feel by making cuts on the ACA and delaying it will help the government reduce spending they consider not necessary.Republican leaders do not want a shutdown now over the spending issue, for political and negotiating reasons. It can affect them adversely with regards to agenda they intend to pass later on (Hook & Boles, 2013).
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