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What Do You Think Is The Best Immigration Policy For The United States?

Essay Instructions:

What do you think is the best immigration policy for the United States? Justify your position using both economic theory and empirical evidence. You can also use historical evidence or philosophical/moral reasoning to bolster your argument, but it’s not necessary.

Your essay should also address who benefits most and least from your policy. What are the weaknesses of the policy? And what could be done to limit those weaknesses?

Essays should be formatted as follows:

− 12 pt font

− Double-spaced

− 1” margins

− References should follow a widely accepted standard. I recommend the APA style

o Tutorial: http://www(dot)apastyle(dot)org/learn/tutorials/basics-tutorial.aspx

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Immigration in the United States
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Immigration in the United States
What do you think is the best immigration policy for the United States?
The United State's policy on immigration should open its borders and allow more immigrants. The notion that immigrants are economically disadvantageous and a threat to the country is a fallacy. Additionally, for uneconomic reasons such as immigrants are a threat to the country is also largely false and Americans are more likely to die of a shark attack or be struck by lightening than be killed by an immigrant terrorist CITATION Bus17 \l 1033 (Business Insider, 2017). Few of the terrorists who have committed terrorism on American soil have been American immigrants, rather they are American citizens and therefore weaponizing terrorism against immigration policies is wrong and does not address the fundamental problem of insecurity of the nation. Immigration should be encouraged because of the following reasons among others.
More skilled labour within their borders
Not all immigrants are unskilled and have escaped poverty and or were unemployable in their countries. There are some push factors such as inflation as it is currently being experienced in Venezuela. Some of the immigrants in these nations want better opportunities to establish their business and or practice their professions. They are equally skilled as their American counterparts, and they are more likely to take up the same jobs for a relatively lower remuneration CITATION Dus17 \l 1033 (McKissen, 2017). Other push factors include war, famine, political instability, high unemployment in their countries etc. Thus, immigrants are not necessarily uneducated and a burden to the host nation. Additionally, the host nation gets to absorb the skilled immigrants who as a nation did not invest in their education. It is an advantageous capital inflow in the form of human capital which strengthens the human resource capital of the nation.
Immigrants work on jobs citizens are unwilling to take up
Immigrants are likely to take jobs which natives cannot take CITATION Tam12 \l 1033 (Jacoby, 2012). Employers are also more likely to hire immigrants on some of these jobs because they can pay them relatively lower salaries than native workers. Immigrants out of desperation take up these jobs to support themselves and their families. Some industries today are heavily reliant on immigrant such as the agriculture industry, hospices, low-level jobs in organizations such as janitorial jobs etc. Immigrants are very capable of undertaking these jobs requiring low skills. In states such as California and Texas illegal immigrants make up about 9 per cent of both states’ workforces, while in Nevada, their share is over 10 per cent CITATION Mar182 \l 1033 (Dudley, 2018). In the more agricultural states such as Texas and Florida, the industry is largely supported by immigrants. When the labor is cheap, the economics of production dictate that lower cost of the goods and services and thus, for many Americans who can afford groceries can attribute the relatively lower cost of their groceries to existent tolerant immigration policies.
More consumers for goods and services
Immigrants increase consumer-ship of American good locally. Immigrants have human needs, and thus they create a ready market for American goods and services. By increasing the demand for goods and services, they support other American entrepreneurs and producers of the goods and service providers. Many attorneys today are directly or indirectly employed by immigrants for legal representation as they seek legal status or other immigration-related processes CITATION Eck18 \l 1033 (Eckstein & Peri, 2018). Additionally, any product bought by an immigrant whether it is a car, bread, clothing, electronic device etc., it is creating a demand for American goods.
More taxpayers
Immigrants pay taxes to the United States government. According to CITATION Ale181 \l 1033 (Campbell, 2018), ‘in 2015 IRS data showed that the agency received 4.4 million income tax returns from workers who don’t have Social Security numbers, which includes a large number of undocumented immigrants. That year, they paid $23.6 billion in income taxes.’ The IRA created a parallel program to enable immigrants to pay taxes to the government. The system does not share data with the immigration department such that it does not crack down on the illegal immigrants. Thus, each year billions of dollars of income to the government in the form of taxes come from immigrants though sadly they do not get to enjoy the services for the taxes they pay.
More entrepreneurs within their borders
Immigrants are not necessarily a burden to the United States. Some immigrants create more jobs through their entrepreneurial skills to even American natives CITATION Dus17 \l 1033 (McKissen, 2017). For example, Elon Musk who is an American immigrant though he has legal status in the country is from South Africa, and he immigrated to the United States through Canada. He has built several multi-billion industries in space exploration (space ex) and an electric car company (Tesla) which employ thousands of people. These are some of the industries he is involved because his contribution to the US economy, directly and indirectly, is immeasurable. He is among many others who through the entrepreneurial skills have mapped the country as a true ‘land of opportunity’, and they have helped thousands of other Americans in the process. Their entrepreneurial enterprises are also tax-paying, and their contribution to the economy is far greater than what they earned by immigrating to the United States.
Justification of the policy using economic theories
Neo classical economic theorists believe that labor migrations are caused in differences in wage levels between countries and labour markets. The economic theory suggests that labor moves from countries which are capital poor but they are human resource rich to countries which are capital rich, but they are human resource poor. Normally, capital moves in the opposite direction to capital poor countries. Additionally, these classical theories of labor economics also suggest that difference in wages between countries and labor markets cause labor migrations. This is a key driver for immigration to the united states whose labor markets compensate the employees relatively higher than most other countries and especially the nations where these immigrants come from. very few come from Eur...
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