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Analysis and Interpretation of Qualitative Data Math & Economics Essay

Essay Instructions:


It is for a qualitative class. So no data analysis tool. The data sources are the two audio recordings I attached to be coded, and the “interview” just make up something about me interviewing another student about social change. Also attached is “discussion 2 week 5” where I discussed the resources from the Walden social change website

Premise to instructions for the essay writer:

Two (2 minute) audio recordings included in the attachments to analyze, and just make up any old interview about social change and education etc. The completed part one and part two of the assignment is also attached to be there for reference, I also attached the discussion that was completed about some of the resources already found on the walden social change website, feel free to use that info to analyze.

Begin your analysis and prepare your presentation of your results from your three data sources.

The three data sources include:

• Two Scholars of Change videos

• Phone interview

• Resources from the Walden social change website

Analyze and prepare your presentation of results from your three data sources. Also, part of your analysis is to create categories and themes of your findings.

To prepare for this Assignment:

• Analyze the three data sources to create categories and themes of your findings

o Two Scholars of Change videos

o Phone interview

o Resources from the Walden social change website

• Once you have completed your analysis, prepare your presentation of results from your three data sources.

Part 3: Results

During this course, you have coded your two Scholars of Change videos, you have conducted and coded your phone interview, and you have gathered data from the Walden social change website and any other documents or websites you might have included.

For this Part 3 of your Major Assignment, you will write up the results of your findings. You will include the following in your write-up:

A. Data Sources—briefly describe each data source including location, duration of data collection, how data were recorded, and unusual circumstances.

 Two Scholars of Change videos

 One phone interview

 Resources from the Walden social change website

B. Instrumentation—briefly describe the type of instrumentation you used for your data collection.

 Who developed each data collection tool and what is the date of publication?

 Where and with which participant group has it been used previously?

 How appropriate is it for current study and include whether modifications will be or were needed?

C. Data Analysis—based on the data sources in “A.”, provide a detailed analysis to include the following:

 Report the process used to move inductively from coded units to larger representations including categories and themes.

 Describe the specific codes, categories, and themes that emerged from the data using quotations as needed to emphasize their importance.

1. 1st cycle—describe, give examples.

2. 2nd cycle—describe, give examples/moving from codes to categories.

3. Identify themes—provide examples and illustrate your results with a figure or a chart.

Part 4: Trustworthiness and Summary

D. Trustworthiness—summarize across the different data sources and respond to the following:

 What themes are in common?

 What sources have different themes?

o Explain the trustworthiness of your findings, in terms of:

 Credibility

 Transferability

 Dependability strategies

 Confirmability


• Based on the results of your analyses, how would you answer the question: “What is the meaning of social change for Walden graduate students?”

• Self-Reflection—Has your own understanding of you as a positive social change agent changed? Explain your reasoning.

• Based on your review of the three articles on social change, which one is aligned with your interests regarding social change and why?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Qualitative Analysis
Institutional Affiliation
3.1 Qualitative Methodology
The qualitative methods have proven their worth in case of researches conducted at community levels. These methods can easily be modeled to account and elaborate taking place at personal, community, cultural system, and family platforms (Anthi, 2010). The reliability of these methods compels most of the social researchers to carry out qualitative methodologies for their studies. One of the advantages of using qualitative methods is the interpretation of a neutral person or a concerned authority to study the cultural and social domains of a community (Anthi, 2010). The interpretation of the communications like interviews, surveys, and focus groups, however, can be biased and therefore it is required to introduce sufficient reliability or to remove bias from the research results.
Reflexivity is an important concept when discussing qualitative methods. It is the ability of the writer to effectively write about methods and the lives of people on which a researcher is conducting research (Anthi, 2010). The most efficient qualitative research is defined as a written effort in which no difference between the writer and the research subjects, theories presented in the research, and conclusions drawn by the researcher. The researchers identify the “writing” process as an integral part of the qualitative research (Evdokimov, 2017). It is observed that the early or timely writing of the facts is reliable than writing the afterthoughts as they can include the personal interoperation of the writer and therefore can affect final results.
3.2 Ethics of Qualitative Research
The importance of research ethics has been identified as one of the most fundamental parameters to be adhered by the researchers. The process of research cannot be isolated from the social dynamics and cultural values of the subject’s community. Most of the social researches are carried out through direct or indirect engagement of the individuals with the people of the community and, therefore, the researches should be held accountable with their adherence to the protection of sensitive information (Evdokimov, 2017). The researchers should be able to identify the enormous potential of knowledge that can be achieved during a course of the project, the researchers must find way aimed at not violating the rights of the participant and nor dismiss their own responsibility. In case of the social researches, the outcome of the research can also have a significant impact on the society and therefore, only authorized personals should be allowed access to information provided by such researches (Evdokimov, 2017). The development of a valid and reliable authentication policy can be seen as a reliable approach to meet these challenges.
3.3 Methodology
Interviews are a common part of a social life. Almost all of us have seen interviews conducted at our community levels, most of us have given or seen interviews at various platforms and their effectiveness. The modern society is known as the ‘interview society’ owing to a variety of topics discussed at intimate levels. The formal format of the interviews usually consists of an individual asking questions to another on a particular topic or issue. The commonly observed trend, however, is the social context under which interviews were conducted and presented or broadcasted (Evdokimov, 2017). The qualitative interview approach is the one which is selected as the methodology in this research.
* Qualitative Interviews
There is the range of interviews identified in the several types of research known as structured, semi-structured, and unstructured or focused interviews. The structured interviews are mostly used in the surveys focused on attaining the required information from the participants. The semi-structured or unstructured interviews, on the other hand, are conducted at a planned level of flexibility and lack of structure (Thomése, Buffel, & Phillipson, 2018). The semi-structured or unstructured interviews are the preferred approach to evaluate the physical and emotional responses of the participants while discussing a specified topic (Thomése, Buffel, & Phillipson, 2018). The informal interviews are conducted to evaluate or gain information about a certain topic within an organization. The individuals gain insight of their peers and colleagues about a social topic and formulate results on the concerned issue.
a. Data Acquisition
In this research, the semi-structured interviews are selected in which we are going to discuss the epidemic of drug abuse empowered by the social changes in the community. The educational institutes play a vital role in developing an understanding and education of the population regarding social change and its implications. Moreover, the role of technology in the educational system aimed at facilitating the special needs of the students at individual levels (Thomése, Buffel, & Phillipson, 2018). From the previous researches and review of the literature, the following core components are observed in the semi-structured interviews:
a. There is an interactional exchange of knowledge between the individuals. There are one or more participants involved in such interviews.
b. A thematic, topic-centered, and a narrative approach is taken in the writing of such interviews including the topics and issues that are required to be discussed. The information is presented in a fluid and flexible structure.
c. A perspective regarding knowledge is situational or contextual. The contextual parameters are also evaluated to introduce the reliability in the gathered information. However, when interviewing a colleague both parties can learn something about themselves without the conventional transfer of knowledge.
It is a common knowledge that any social interventions are carried out family, school, and community contexts. The distinctions between these foundations of a society are of crucial importance to analyze the impact of the social change. During the previous years, owing to the rapid development in the communications technologies the small communities are connected with their counterparts in the big cities. The teenagers are able to communicate with their peers at a global level. Despite the enormous benefits, these trends have also introduced some negative aspects of life in the big cities (Thomése, Buffel, & Phillipson, 2018). For instance, the drug abuse not too long ago was an epidemic in the big cities. Owing to the technologies and social media platforms it has been introduced in the small communities. In this research, we designed interviews with our peers, community representatives, school, and family platforms to observe the social change in the small communities owing to the new trends and adoption of digital technology. The methodology as depicted in the following diagram was formed to get the desired information from the participants of this research:
5270500101600ImpactsImpacts3149600-355600Individual ChangesIndividual Changes20447000Self-AwarenessSocial AwarenessDecision MakingRelationship SkillsgSelf-AwarenessSocial AwarenessDecision MakingRelationship Skillsg
520700040640Positive Changes:Prosocial behavior, Academic achievements, Peer Acceptance.Negative Changes:Aggression, depression, Academic Decline, and Social Rejection0Positive Changes:Prosocial behavior, Academic achievements, Peer Acceptance.Negative Changes:Aggression, depression, Academic Decline, and Social Rejection31750148590SettingsSettings46990008890400685015240
191770090805Policies, laws, organizational structures, classroom environments and practices. Communication between schools, families and community.00Policies, laws, organizational structures, classroom environments and practices. Communication between schools, families and community.
4070350541020Community Level00Community Level
Figure 1: Methodology Overview.
The overall process included two interviews with the professionals studying the social changes and its impact on the smaller communities. One telephone interview with a mother suffering from the negative impact of the social changes and one peer interview aimed at developing reliable recommendations on the challenges posed by social changes. The interviews with the professionals were given more weight and the problems were discussed in a professional manner. The following coding system was developed to address the weights to the variables involved in the resear...
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