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Fiscal Policies and Lobbying

Essay Instructions:

You are to place yourself in the position of being a paid lobbyist for your organization. Pick two or three major fiscal policy initiatives you would lobby Congress about. However, this is not in general, this is for your organization, not for the economy as a whole, so make sure to take that specific focus. Again, if you're using an unconventional organization, you may have to get a little creative here.

As your organization's lobbyist, what would you like to see done by the federal government that would be of help to your organization? As a lobbyist it is not your job to be concerned with the deficit, or the environment, or the general health of the financial system (unless, of course, you are lobbying for an environmental, financial, or deficit reduction group). Your answer to this question can give an interesting perspective as to how lobbying can distort economic policy and decisions. CAUTION: I am not looking for general comments that could apply to the country as a whole or any given organization, what I want is comments that are relevant specifically to your organization.

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ECO 202 WK 2 SLP: lobbying
Fiscal policies and lobbying
Eaton has mostly conducted business in the U.S for most of the company’s existence but then shifted base to Ireland in 2012 after acquiring Cooper Industries. Since the U.S has tax treaties with Ireland and other countries, this promotes information exchange and cooperation to stimulate investment and growth (PwC, 2014). Lobbying for a reduction in tax for repatriated profits brought to the U.S in the manufacturing sector would help Easton remain competitive. The key to this is to differentiate the manufacturing sector from the financial sector. There have been high profile cases of tax inversion, and the lobbying would focus on the benefit of this approach towards of more U.S workers to work for the company
Besides the reduction in taxes for repatriated venue another proposal is tax cuts for manufactures of electrical components. The taxes are high while growth the related energy sector has slowed down. Eaton is affected by volatile input prices in the raw materials and components and tax cuts are necessary to reduce risk. A tax cut has a longer term positive impact on Eaton’s ability to remain competitive there is low business confidence about the performance of the manufacturing and energy sector. Tax cuts can spur growth and the company would be better placed to reduce prices to relieve consumers the high cost of living (Hodge, 2011). In any case, this would make it easier to hire with there being better job growth prospects. This is because the low taxes boost investment and productivity (Hodge, 2011).
Stringent regulations are a threat to the Eaton Corporation at the local, state and federal levels. Because of these regulations the company must ensure that they comply, and this is causing a delay in distributing the company’s products (World Market Intelligence, 2014). Additionally, there are the penalties and legal proceedings associated with failure to adhere to all the regulations. Since Eaton manufacturers a variety of products, the lobbying exercise will point out the rationale for loosening the regulations. This is especially regulations on greenhouse emission targets and this is affecting the company’s competitiveness, as there is a need to increase capital expenditure in updating the manufacturing processes and products (World Market Intelligence, 2014)
Opinion on lobbying
The number of individuals at the gras...
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