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Why the Trend Towards Autonomous Vehicles (AV) is Decisive and Irreversible

Essay Instructions:

The paper should be no more than 1,000 words and should incorporate learnings from other course materials and experiences. Cases are chosen to reinforce relevant reading assigned thus far. Therefore, it is recommended that you read the case write-up questions first, the assigned text and articles next, and then write up the case.
***Autonomous Vehicles Case Prompts
--Choose one of the following to consider when writing your paper:
1.What do you think about the trend towards autonomous vehicles (AV)? Is it decisive and irreversible? Why or why not?
2.Choose an industry you understand and explain how autonomous vehicles might impact that industry. Think about a “to-be” new opportunity autonomous vehicles enable and briefly explain your idea using Kim & Mauborgne’s Eliminate-Reduce-Raise-Create Grid.
3.Use autonomous vehicles to discuss the industry evolution, the roles of different players, and the shift of the profit pool.
4.Is autonomous driving technology a blue ocean opportunity? Why or why not?
5.What, if anything, is the difference between technology innovation and value innovation? Explain your answer.

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The Trend Toward Autonomous Vehicles
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The Trend Toward Autonomous Vehicles
Technological advancement in the transportation industry is inevitable. Many decades ago, people used to walk or use animals to move from one place to another. Afterward, they invented steam engines that improved their mobility. Today, cars using combustion engines are many and affordable, which has significantly contributed to connecting from one place to another. In some years to come, autonomous or self-driving vehicles will be found on highways. Individuals will enjoy driving in cars that need no driver. Self-driving cars will enable humans to multitask, which is not present in today’s conventional cars. In particular, the trend toward autonomous vehicles (AV) is decisive and irreversible.
No one can stop technological innovation and advancement. People want to improve their lives for the better, which is why they are innovating to improve existing machines. Presently, many auto manufacturers are rushing toward commercializing AV technology. With the advent of the Internet, self-driving cars will be possible since these vehicles will use the global positioning system (GPS) to know the route to follow from one point to another. Already, this technology is used in electronic gadgets, and it will not be challenging to implement in autonomous vehicles. With autonomous cars, traveling will be enjoyable and safe (Chen & Olenick, 2018). For example, individuals will only have to feed the vehicle their destination and sit relaxed, sleeping, watching, or talking with friends until they arrive. People will enjoy their rides and travel long distances without fatigue since AV cars are not manned. Moreover, since they are electric, no worries of fuel getting depleted in the middle of a forest with no refueling station nearby.
The trend of AV is decisive and irreversible since, based on the survey, the automation of cars has significantly reduced accidents on highways. Self-driving vehicles are made to prioritize safety, minimize accidents, and increase productivity. The data revealed in 2015 depicts that conventional automatic vehicles have decreased traffic fatalities by 1.1 per every 100 million miles in the USA. However, in 1921, when numerous automobiles over-relied on humans, there were 24.09 fatalities per every 100 million miles of driving (Chen & Olenick, 2018). In that case, it is evident that automated vehicles can significantly reduce road accidents. Self-driving vehicles eradicate problem...
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