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When is Training an Appropriate Solution?

Essay Instructions:

Read the following cases and identify whether training is an appropriate solution to each.

Case 1) A bank manager has noticed that two to three employees continually show up late to work and she wants them to start arriving on time.

Case 2) Many new employees at a company struggle to learn the main customer relationship management (CRM) software. It typically takes them a month to be comfortable using it and management wants to cut that down to 2 weeks.

Case 3) Park Rangers at a state forest park are supposed to write tickets for cars parked illegally on the fire service roads when the parking lots are full, but most Park Rangers don’t write the tickets because they sympathize with the patrons because they know the parking lots are woefully inadequate for the number of visitors in the park.

Case 4) A company just moved into a new much larger and much more high-tech building. The janitors have all new equipment and different types of high-tech rooms that require specialized cleaning and maintenance requirements. The janitors have no experience with this new equipment or requirements.

Part 1:

In 75-100 words for each of the cases above, explain why training is appropriate or not. If not, explain what a more appropriate solution might be.

Part 2:

For the cases that you determined training to be appropriate, in 250-500 words describe what strategies would be effective to facilitate learning to solve the performance issue.

Cite at least two academic sources to support your claims.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Case Analysis
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Case Analysis
Effective training fosters organizational success and development, facilitates employees’ performance, improves company culture, and boosts workers’ productivity.
Part 1
In case one, the bank manager does not need to implement a training program to ensure that all employees arrive at work on time. The most significant strategy that the leader can use is to write and distribute internal memos to remind workers about the importance of reporting to work on time and the consequences of tardiness. The bank manager should ensure that the company has strict measures on lateness and its effects should be clearly stated.
In the second case, employee training on using customer relationship management (CRM) software is needed to reduce the time workers take to learn how to use the system from one month to two weeks. Employees should be shown how to use the CRM software effectively so that they do not take an extended period to learn on their own. Training enhances the flexible adaptation of workers to new technologies so that they can achieve established goals and objectives (Libai et al., 2020). When employees are required to use software in performing their daily tasks without training, they struggle and might not meet their job requirements.
In case three, Park Rangers should be sensitized to comply with set regulations when it comes to parking cars on the fire service roads. In this scenario, training is not required. Park Rangers should be called for a meeting to remind them that all visitors should park their cars well. If the parking lot is full and there is no other parking space, no visitors should be allowed. Visitors who defy the parking rules should be given tickets since parking on fire service roads might hinder emergency services when needed.
The company that migrated into a new larger and more high-tech building, in case four, should not ignore training its janitors on how to handle equipment, clean high-tech rooms, and maintain the machines. Besides, educating these cleaners on how to do their work effectively would facilitate better handling of equipment to enhance optimal functionality (Faturrahman, Hendarti, & Tomasowa, 2023). If these janitors are not trained, they might mishandle high-tech and expensive equipment reducing their effectiveness. When that happens, the company will incu...
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