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Project Management: Business Case for Project Name

Essay Instructions:

Read the Cloud Computing case and answer the project questions on concept and strategy. Summarize your responses in 3-4 pages using the Business Case Form in addition to creating an APA cover page and a reference list.
Project Management Institute. (2017). Cloud computing: The new strategic weapon. Retrieved from http://www(dot)pmi(dot)org/-/media/pmi/documents/public/pdf/white-papers/cloud-computing.pdf
Prepare the Business Case form attached here. Write your answers in the form boxes. In addition, at the end of the Business Case form, please answer the following questions:
Was the Cloud Computing project well-conceived? Give reasons for your opinion.
What were the real objectives of the Cloud Computing project that could and should have been articulated?
What strategies were there for achieving these objectives? What would you recommend?
Did they consider other solutions? Give Examples.
How would you gauge the project's success? Could success be measured? If so, how and when?
Assignment Expectations
Your paper should 3-4 pages, not including cover sheet and references, and to the point. You are expected to:
Answer questions 1-5 above in the Business Case form by stating your position on these questions clearly and concisely
Cite 2-3 appropriate sources and answer questions directly.
Submit the Business Case Form as a Word document.
You will be particularly assessed on:
Your ability to see what the module is all about and to structure your paper accordingly.
Your informed commentary and analysis—simply repeating what your sources say does not constitute an adequate paper.
Your ability to apply the professional language and terminology of project management correctly and in context; you are expected to be familiar with this language and use it appropriately.
Your effective and appropriate use of in-text citations to the assigned readings and other source material to support your arguments. Refer to the APA Purdue Online Writing Lab at https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/01/

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Project Management
Institution Affiliation
Business Case for Project Name
Prepared by:
Introduction/ Background
Cloud computing is one of the most reliable ways in which data and applications are converted into accessible forms with shared resources usually provided on the internet. The move by states and companies to adopt cloud computing aids in the reduction of the costs incurred on a day to day basis since the centralization of data and resources helps in the cutting down of costs (Fernando, Loke, & Rahayu, 2013). The access of the data centers and information is also made easy through cloud computing, it is also quite flexible and reliable in operations. Future predictions show an increased adoption of cloud computing technologies in most companies and its revenue is also expected to rise in the coming years. Using cloud computing ensures that the needs of the company are met when demanded, it grants organizations the ability to switch from using it or not and the ability to measure input and output.

Business Objective
The main aim of using cloud computing technology is the centralization of data and resources to enable reliable and flexible access whenever needed.

Current Situation and Problem/Opportunity Statement
Cloud computing works well under the condition that companies planning to adopt the method should plan thoroughly, execute the project properly and watch out for any changes that comes with it and establish proper project management practices.
The opportunity that exists is that the strong management skills exhibited by companies ensure that the full benefits of using cloud computing are reaped both financially and strategically.

4.0 Critical Assumption and Constraints
The challenges that exist with using cloud projects largely affect project leaders as they must measure and communicate the returns gained for adopting cloud computing. They have access risks involved, establish governance processes, implement vendor protocols and create security for the data both physically and virtually to ensure that the access to data is limited to authorized personnel only.

5.0 Analysis of Option and Recommendation
Implementation of a vision that incorporates cost reduction and increased flexibility
Choosing the right projects that deliver the most benefits and have very low risks associated with them
Creating a plan that ensures the there is a smooth transition with strategies that will manage data during the transition process
Proper communication within the organization to ensure everyone is aware of the reasons for the transition
A proper analysis of the risks that might be faced especially those associated with data security.
Proper analysis and filtering of the vendors and implementation of plans that cover the costs, security, reliability...
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