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What A Safety Program Means To You, The Employee

Essay Instructions:
Write a one page paper on what you would want to see in a safety program. You as an employee and not the safety manager. Start with your job (I'm a landscaper) and explain what you would be looking for to tell you if it is a successful program.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
What a Safety Program Means To You, the Employee Student: Professor: Institution: Course title: Date: I am a dedicated landscaper that has a high regard in the quality of work I do and safety when I am working. All workers are entitled to working in a safe environment that caters for their health, security and safety needs, and avoids preventable injuries and accidents during working hours. An effective safety program should encourage the training of workers on safety during work. As a landscaper, I ought to receive training on specialized tools that I will be working with. I would appreciate commitment of the company to weekly or monthly training and education on hand washing techniques; safety on the use of the tools; planting medium and materials- identifying and avoiding poisonous plants and wild animals, and protective wear- availability and use of head, eyes, hands, ears, body, and foot wear when necessary during working hours . These trainings can be targeted on the specific hazards like injuries from tools, falls, and poisonous plants, that we face every day at the workstation. I would also like to see the company I work for, conduct crew talks through involving all employees in safety measures and we help identify hazards that are in the workplace. The company together with all employees would take the necessary measures on controlling these risks that we have identified. A safety program should also have a proper response system to injuries. There should be available assistance for employees that are injured. There should be first aid practitioners, timely responsive ambulances or vehicles that would get employees with serious...
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