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Week 8 Holacracy Management Research Assignment

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Chatwani, N., & Chatwani, F. F. U. N. Call for chapters-Distributed leadership: The dynamics of balancing leadership with followership.

In this paper, the author has used past research and books, such as Robertson’s book in 2015, in order to arrive at reliable conclusions. The paper indicates that there has been a great development in the workplace. It notes further that, work place has now become a place where holacracy and teamwork are integral to the success of an organization. This is due to the increasing number of employees hence the need to work together.

Cooper, C., Steffel, R. V., & Griffin, T. E. (2014). Change Leadership in a Global Environment. J. Bus. Econ5.

The authors have taken a rather keen interest in teamwork and leadership sharing, that is holacracy. The paper sites important changes not only on the financials of an organization but also more importantly, radical changes in culture in order to achieve an efficient system with employees who value team work.

Eisenberg, J., Gibbs, J. L., & Erhardt, N. (2016). The Role of Vertical and Shared Leadership in Virtual Team Collaboration. In Strategic Management and Leadership for Systems Development in Virtual Spaces (pp. 22-42). IGI Global.

This is a recent and reliable paper on teamwork and leadership systems. The paper sites the best strategies of management for the modern-day work place. The authors have indicated that a replacement of the traditional top down management with shared leadership will lead to better management. This is because it will lead to better teamwork.

Hashim, M. K., & Zakaria, N. S. Management: One Too Many Styles.

            The paper describes holacracy a system that is deviant from the traditional top down control paradigm. It is a mixture of systems including democracy, autocracy and collaborating. Its emphasis lies squarely on how the employees work together among themselves and with their leaders. Functioning as a team is the key to efficient management.

Herbst, N. J. (2016). Leader-Leader Exchange in Shared Leadership Ministry Teams.

This is a recent paper on the change in workplace dynamics in the current days. These changes involve a Holarctic system of governance. In this paper, this system entails the distribution of decision making as well as decentralization. The paper also indicates team work as show of love for each other and as such integral in the functioning of an organization.

Lamelas, D., Lamelas, J., & Filipe, J. (2015). Organization design redefinition using design thinking. International Journal of Latest Trends in Finance and Economic Sciences5(2), 10.

The authors of this paper have discussed to a great length the new form of management systems that is a combination of several other methods. An example of such is system that is multidisciplinary, multifunctional and is participative. This will lead to teamwork and an efficient holacratic system of management that leads to better performance.

Muff, K. (2014). Designing a collaboratory. The Collaboratory: A Co-Creative Stakeholder Engagement Process for Solving Complex Problems, 229.

             This paper has looked at the benefits that have been derived from the introduction of a holocracy system of management. The authors have indicated that organizations that have embraced this system have become better. Employees have embraced teamwork and has led to increased productivity.


In this paper, the author has taken critical analysis of a management system that is befitting and efficient to a workplace in the future. The paper defines holacratic engagement system as that where the employees are taken care of and their voices heard.  All employees are given respect and attention, and their ideas taken seriously. Teamwork is the most essential of all.

Shin, H. W., Picken, J. C., & Dess, G. G. (2017). Revisiting the learning organization: How to create it. Organizational Dynamics.

This is a very recent paper where holacracy is given much praise and center stage in matter of management. The authors have quoted a Chief Executive Officer of a certain company sending emails to all employees mandating them to embrace holacracy. This displays teamwork as an integral part of day-to-day management of the modern-day workplace.

Warrick, D. D., Milliman, J. F., & Ferguson, J. M. (2016). Building high performance cultures. Organizational Dynamics45(1), 64-70.

              The authors of this paper have significantly and thoroughly analyzed the holacracy system of management. This paper has outlined holacracy as a reduction in the single authoritative power of single top down management.

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As Hashim and Zakaria indicate n their paper, the holacracy is a system that tends to mix up a number of systems to come up with a more effective and efficient system of management (Hashim & Zakaria, n.d). It brings in the element of democracy, autocracy and a way for all the level of management to collaborate and work together as a team. Most of the traditional systems have been autocratic and the newer systems have been largely democratic. However, there is gap between what a democratic system can achieve and there is also a limit to which democracy can work. The ideal of having a system that can balance these aspects. The flat managerial system has been a good alternative for the older hierarchical, however there are limits to these and there is need to find the balance between the two which is presented in the Holacracy system of management.
The element of team work is crucial in the work plac...
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