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Validating Research Instruments
Essay Instructions:
Scenario #3: Archival data contain standardized test scores intended to assess students’ knowledge and skills in in core academic subjects.
Develop an original response to the following questions:
How were the instruments validated according to their source articles? What steps did the researchers take to validate them?
To what extent do you think the instrument is valid? Do you think the researchers and peer reviewers did a sufficient job validating the instrument to make it reliable enough to be administered in various contexts and situations? Why or why not?
Which columns in each dataset best represent independent and dependent variables, respectively? Why?
NOTE: If you chose scenario #3, research your state’s own achievement tests (or a national test) and enter the base proficiency rate into cell I4 in Microsoft Excel. The spreadsheet will regenerate random values accordingly. Describe how your state validates its standardized test instruments and the extent to which you believe it is valid.
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Validating Research Instruments
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Validating Research Instruments
Validation of standardized test instruments specifically comprises crucial steps that ensure their consistency and rationality. Based on the available sources, exploring standardized tests demands a number of steps, which most investors reflect on. For instance, the investigators conduct content validity to ensure that the test content reflects the curriculum and the knowledge and skills it aims to measure. Such a step comprises engaging in consultation with subject experts to verify that such kind of test items cover all crucial areas. They also validate the standardized test through construct validity. Research suggests that authentic knowledge arises from the search for meaning, understanding, and power relations (McGregor, 2017). In this case, the researchers verify that the test measures the theor...
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