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Update Risk and Governance Practices Management Paper

Essay Instructions:

Provide a synthesis of further escalated risk considerations related to technology information and innovation management projects. Using the reference book, practitioner sources, and scholarly material and provide a concise response that extends the key risk areas deserving special attention beyond generic projects. Include recent scholarly sources to provide support for your position and identify areas requiring further research. Note that this assignment requires a synthesis of issues; it should not be a mere summary of the reading.

Support your paper with at least seven (7) scholarly resources (Most Recent). In addition to these specified resources, you can add other further appropriate scholarly and practitioner resources, including older articles.

Length: 4-6 pages, not including title and reference pages.

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University's Academic Integrity Policy.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

In the past few decades technology has changed lives; from how work is done, communication, and healthcare. These technologies have been marred with a lot of controversies and have sparked heated debates from people of all walks of life.
The technology was designed to make the world a better place and make it easier to get tasks done, such as faster and more comfortable means of transport, quicker and more accurate diagnosis (Trkman, 2010). The same technology has turned out to have adverse effects on the society at the same time. The purpose of this paper is to uncover the various technological information risks and how innovation can mitigate them.
Technology information risks.
Internet related crimes. With the communication gadgets becoming more and more sophisticated like the manufacture of smart phones and with faster internet speeds (like the 4G phones) day in day out; there are those who are using the internet to do evil. There has been an increase in attempted corporate espionage from internet programs, these threats are transmitted as malware and are designed to corrupt the targeted computer files. They can take many forms on the web; they can be installed through a pop-up window on an unsecured website. They can also be sent through emails as attachments (Ralston & Graham et al. 2007). When installed the program deletes or corrupts all documents on the computer rendering them unusable. This causes huge losses to the corporate.
Cyber bullying and harassment. With the innovation of social media, a lot of personal information is out there on the internet in the form of profiles. When opening a social media account for instance on Face book, a lot of personal information is required for the opening of the account to be successful. Then there is the constant posting of status updates and photos that leave a digital trail. There are a lot of social media bullies who take the chance to harass people on social media; they write mean and even abusive comments. With the evolution of social media and people's craze for the recognition, it has become a hot bed of revenge attack. This is especially from enraged exes or fallen out friends who use the platform to demean others (Mishna &McInroy et al., 2017). Just in the past two years, there has been a significant increase in complaints of digital harassment and bullying.
Online Scams. The internet is full of people looking to scam other out of their hard earned money by coming up with ‘Get rich quick' schemes. This scam artist use networks to broaden their reach, for instance, there is network marketing scheme where one is required to pay a joining fee in exchange for future financial gains. They then make the deal by promising to debit your account with a certain percentage for every new person signed into the ‘company,' or they might be that periodical returns are multiplied by the number of members in the network. Some of these scams have made people lose their pension earnings, loans borrowed to join the schemes.
Phishing. It is described as a practice which is fraudulent and it involves sending emails to individuals and making them believe that they are from reputable companies. The purpose of this is to entice them to reveal personal information. Such personal information includes the number of credit cards and passwords. It is a very common trick on websites. They often pretend that they are legitimate or at other times, they are hacked. The aim, however, is to obtain as much personal information as possible from the target to eventually steal from their accounts or use their credit card account to transact without their knowledge and consent. The websites that are mostly affected are Pay pal and e bay. (Weaver & Furr et.al, 2016).
Identity theft. It might be a normal thing to think that there is no any other person interested in one’s personal information. This notion is usually untrue. There are a lot of people out there constantly scheming ways to get hold of your information. Being a victim of theft of identity ca...
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