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Transform a Scope and Oversight of Time Management Paper

Essay Instructions:

Part 1
Create a schedule, a summary table that lists 10 to 20 tasks together with the required resources and anticipated length that each resource will be required for each task. Use a table or tables so that you do not exceed two pages.
Part 2
Technology projects invariably include complexity and innovation, and both increase uncertainty. Use scholarly literature to support your identification of challenges and potential techniques to improve planning and execution in technology projects. Write a two-page narrative.
Part 3
Synthesize an improvement on time estimation and management by combining your learning up to this point and by making use of further literature. Identify routes whereby one can optimize net value creation through improved estimates, execution, management, and control. Allocate at least two pages to exploring one of the areas where you believe there to be the best opportunity for improvement. Be sure to synthesize your experiences and scholarly sources. This portion should exceed three pages.
Support your paper with at least nine (9) scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, you can add further appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles.
Length: 6-8 pages, not including title and reference
Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University's Academic Integrity Policy.

Essay Sample Content Preview:






Technology Projects


Institutional Affiliation



Technology has become a major component of our lives since the beginning of the new millennium. Various technological projects have led to the development of efficient products such as high performing phones and computers. Such devices have become a necessity through their implementation in our lives. Trends in technology keep on changing year in year out thus creating the need to change strategies through which the products are developed (Geraldi, Kutsch, & Turner, 2011). The protocols through which the products are developed also contributes greatly to the correct strategy being implemented. The execution process has however become tiresome due to the various regularities that must be followed in order to make the products viable within a market. To handle this factor, companies that deal with the production of technological products have devised new and different methods to handle such incidents. This paper deals with identifying those factors involved in managing, handling and executing technological projects within their respective companies (Liu & Wang, 2014).

Part 1

Task Resources Time
Installing underground fiber optic cables $10 million 1 year
Civic education in technology topics $15 million 2 years
Scripting contracts with network service providers $1 million 6 months
Contracting engineers that’ll do the project $3 million 2 years
Application of tenders to implement project $500,000 6 months
Processing of approved tenders to start cable installation $500,000 2 months
Launching technology implementation project $1 million 1 week
Creating routes to inaccessible areas $50 million 2 years
Setting up servers in inaccessible areas $20 million 1 year
Hiring equipment to be used in underground digging $10 million 1 month
Purchase of fiber optic material cables 5 million 1 month
Purchase of the equipment to be used in facilitating the project $1 million 1 week
Recruitment of workforce to do underground digging $1 million 3 weeks
Purchase of maintenance supplies, food etc. $3 million 1 years
Starting the implementation of the project after installation $2 million 1 week


Table Explanation

The tasks outlined are indicative of the various activities that will take place in order for the project to begin in various areas. Since it is aimed at ensuring that the spread of use of technology in areas that may be otherwise inaccessible to some people. The project also helps in searching for a new customer base that would result in increased profits for the data company as well as the mobile phone companies (Liu & Wang, 2014). Setting up IT infrastructure takes quite some time because of the need for installing underground cables which would be the main transmitters for the mobile network waves. They would also create awareness to the target areas of the development that is going on around them. The increasing awareness would connect the inaccessible with the rest of the world and provide a new range of services that were not present before. Learning opportunities are also introduced in these areas to help the residents know how to read and communicate better (Geraldi et al., 2011). It will also improve the engagement of the youth in the discussion of various topics that may be hosted on online platforms. The continual projection of the technological platforms will create a sense of development that will bring these areas closer to the outside world. Once connected, equal opportunities can be presented to both groups of people (Cordova, Dolci, & Gianfrate, 2015). No discrimination will take place since each person will be knowledgeable in whatever field they may be discussing. The process of setting up the IT infrastructure will take time and be very costly due to the delicate nature of the equipment that will be used. The protocols involved in setting them up also require the utmost attention so that nothing goes wrong. If anything goes wrong, the whole procedure will be messed up. Therefore all these measures should be put in place to help ease the flow of work to all the participants that will take part in the development of the project (Booth, 2009).

Part 2

Challenges Faced and How to Handle Them

Just as any other project from any other sector, technological projects do face a variety of challenges from different avenues. One of the most recurring challenges to date remains to be the resistance to change among the users (Booth, 2009). The major stakeholders in the use of technological products are members of the youth. The older population therefore objects the use of such gadgets due to the belief that they are harmful to them. Most of them have been resistant to using them because of the different complexities involved in operating such machines (Lichtenthaler, 2008). Through this, the manufacturers of the products do not reach out to the entire population with the use of the products. The amount of their target customers becomes smaller thus reducing their profit margins as opposed to how many people they would have reached if their products were sold to the entire population (Cooper, 2007).

Another visible challenge within the technological business world is the inaccessibility to certain areas. This has happened mostly when considering third world countries. Some of the people in third world countries live in rural areas thus they do not have access to some of the major sources of information such as the internet (Kwak & Watson, 2005). They therefore cannot receive any information regarding the release of new technological products in the market place. Since they do not receive any information regarding the products, they cannot have any interests in having the products themselves. They in turn get locked out from whatever is happening in the rest of the world thus caused to live in their own cocoons. Efforts should therefore be made to enable such people receive the information they need regarding the development of new technological products. This will help them improve their lives by a huge margin (Kwak & Watson, 2005).

Another major challenge faced in the implementation of technology related projects is cyber security. With the sophistication of technological systems also comes the sophistication of methods involved in disrupting these systems (Thamhain, 2014). Cyber insecurity has been on the rise in the past few years and various measures have been taken to manage them. For example, the emergence of cyber security courses has led to the introduction of specialists who handle such situations for companies. Their inclusion in the development of technological products has led to people being able to secure such situations before they become destructive to companies (Talet, Mat-zin, & Houari, 2014).

In handling the elderly population problem, technological products should be focused on capturing the youth’s attention, especially those living in the rural areas. One major factor that will fuel this move is the conception that most young people are curios to try out new things. Even if they do not know how to operate them at first, they will eventually learn how to do so when given enough time (Walton, 2013). The openness to new experiences is also invigorating to young people and that will spur them to take advantage of learning opportunities. The implementation of technological projects within such areas can also be facilitated through the inspiring of learning opportunities (Talet et al., 2014). Since the young people in inaccessible third world countr...

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