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Assignment Option #2: Training Program of any Organization

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Option #2: Training Program (350 points)

For this Portfolio Project option, you will choose and build a training plan. Identify a common training problem that organizations struggle with and the best way to address this problem. Examples include: change management, technology implementation, communication, team building, and conflict resolution. Also, determine how to implement the training by identifying the method of delivery. Follow these steps:

 Write the report.

Proofread and submit both items.

 Congratulate yourself on what you have accomplished!

The report must include:

 An eight to 10-page double-spaced paper (not counting the cover page, abstract, and reference page) with appropriate references. Make sure your paper is formatted and cited according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.

 The report must include the following items:

1. Identify what the problem is and what type of training is being proposed. Relate this to the organization’s strategic imperatives.

2. Prepare an overview of why the training is needed. Include the learning objectives that you have identified for the program.

3. Research best practices on how to train toward this problem. Discuss what other organizations have done to train on this topic. You can include White Papers.

4. Create a flowchart of the process to conduct research and collect data for decision making (which does not have to fit any specific process form; just make it clear).

5. Outline an abbreviated needs analysis, including a high-level assessment of skills, costs, and risks.

6. Propose high-level training solutions, including recommendations and justifications for development, implementation, technologies, and assessment type (or justification that training is not a solution that will adequately address the issue, and present a proposal for a non-training solution).

7. Write a conclusion that reiterates the recommendation and ties it back to the best practices of other organizations.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Training Program
Institution of affiliation
Training Program
The advent of globalization has revolutionized the manner in which business is conducted. This coupled with globalization have revolutionized business CITATION The11 \l 1033 (The Globalisation of Firms as Social Systems, 2011). In the modern scene, competition does not come from the nearby business. Rather, businesses today compete on a global scale. Technology serves only to bolster to this phenomenon. The economist in a 2009 article noted that international trade was expected to account for 30% of trade by 2015 CITATION Eco09 \l 1033 (Economist , 2009). The liberalization of new markets especially in previously closed markets in China and Africa create new opportunities for business. The new economic powerhouses such as China, Brazil and India have increased demand for goods by creating new markets. Their new status further provides for increased Foreign Investment in nations that need it. Africa and other nations are emerging as new key markets. They rise fostered by technology and a thriving labor force CITATION Sim12 \l 1033 (Simmons, 2012).
The 21st century business must thus, recognize these changes and adapt itself to these. Institutions that were seemingly strapped in tradition are adapting and aligning their business models to retain relevance. International finance is changing to accommodate the needs of a middle class that is keen to participate in finance. Governments are reviewing laws and making them relevant to the needs of their people. This proves conclusively that there is a need for change. However, a simple need does not ensure that change will occur. Yet, where it occurs, this does not happen naturally. It is often, a difficult and fraught process for businesses. Leaders who are unable and unwilling to push their business in embracing change. The result are business that cannot compete in the modern age. These businesses are thus, destined to fail. Change management is essential, critical even, if an organization is to survive and thrive in the modern age. Successful organizations in the modern era are differentiated majorly in their ability to handle change. Change to their business processes, products, services and even industries.
The paper therefore will examine change management. In its examination the paper will ask key question. In attempting to determine the answers to these questions, the paper will determine the best course in driving change in an organization. The paper will also create a training plan, which will be a blueprint that ought to guide the transformation agenda of any organization.
In order to manage change, there is a need for all employees of an organization to be aware of change. Awareness allows them to be able to recognize it. Recognition allows the organization to prepare for it and ultimately adapt itself to it. Thus, any change management training program must provide individuals with these skills. The ability to recognize change, and how to manage it. This is in line with the organization’s strategic objectives of delivering critical and high quality services and products to its clients. The organization can only achieve this if it can adequately, preempt client needs and the environment that informs these needs CITATION Ber04 \l 1033 (Burnes, 2004).
The training program is needed for 2 reasons. To provide the organization’s employees with skills and knowledge on how to manage change. The general content of the program should revolve around satisfying these 2 questions. The training program will have specific learning objectives. These learning objectives are the goals of the program. These include;
By the end of the training program employees should be able;
1 To recognize change indicators
2 To establish a culture of innovation and superior service
3 To adapt, manage their performance
4 To maintain the momentum caused by the change program
The objectives provide the general gist as to what the program is expected to achieve. The program will therefore empower the individual to recognize change. This ensures that even low level employees can recognize potential opportunities for change. This allows the employee to be involved in the strategic direction of the organization. At the same time, the program ensures that manager receive information that can contribute to the adaptability of organization quickly and efficiently. Employees will be more invested in the organization and will thus be willing to imbibe the culture of innovation, heightened performance and ultimately maintain the momentum post the training program.
Best Practices
In establishing the program, it is necessary to review what other firms have done in relation to the subject of change management. The paper will discuss what other firms have done without specific reference to these organizations. This will be a step by step analysis.
The initial step is by management, who recognize there is a need to manage change. The management must communicate this to employees. Management must be clear in their communication that without adequate change management, the organization is likely to fail. The management should then invite employees and senior management to create a committee to create a change management plan. Management should avail resources to this committee. These may include; outside consultants and experts on the subject. By involving all employees and stakeholders from the initial stages. There is reduced likelihood that employees will reject the plan. The plan therefore is less likely to be rejected. The plan should encompass all areas of the organization. It must however be clear enough to be understood without specialized knowledge.
Identify the Knowledge, Skills, Behaviors and Attitudes required.
The change management committee should identify the knowledge skills and behaviors it aims to impart in the staff. The committee should also determine the attitudes employees require so as to adequately manage change. These are essential in determining the end objectives of the training program. They also provide a basis for evaluation noting that the staff will be evaluated based on their new knowledge, skills and attitudes. This will be on their ability to utilize the same to manage change.
Allocate Roles and Responsibilities for each business unit and individual employee
The committee should allocate every member of the organization a specific role. The individual will be expected to carry out that role to the best of their ability. The committee will also allocate each individual with a supervisor with whom they will be accountable to. The committee should allocate leader key and highly visible responsibilities. This may include; roles that require the leaders to teach employees or demonstrate ideas. Leaders will thus, be in a position to motivate employees by leading the program through their example. This ensures that the program is a collaborative measure.
Inform stakeholders
Stakeholders in the organization should be kept informed on the progress of the bus...
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