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Training and Performance Management

Essay Instructions:

Your supervisor, Annalise, the Human Resources Director at Matrix, has reviewed your research on performance appraisals and is very impressed with your work. She asks you to continue research into the link between training and performance management. She asks you to prepare a report about the following aspects of training:

Why should managers and employees be trained on performance management?

What performance management topics can managers and employees be trained on and why?

What types of rater bias that can be addressed with effective training?

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Training and Performance Management
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Why should managers and employees be trained on performance management?
Performance management is a crucial cog in organizational and professional development or progress. Training employees and managers on performance management is therefore an important way in bridging the gap that exists between the various levels of an organization and its operations (Aguinis, 2019). Training managers and employees in a company, organization, or business are critical because it helps them on how to ensure or maintain high productivity. First, training on performance management benefits the company because it allows managers and employees to gain new skills and knowledge on handling tasks in a better manner.
Secondly, it reduces high turnover rates as managers and employees are able to work on their respective duties to the best of their abilities and without a lot of sudden pressure. Performance management basically keeps a log of data on each person’s productivity and therefore prevents the knee-jerk reactions that often result in employee turnover. Employees enjoy what they do because of their skills and knowledge, producing quality services and products. This is because employees’ performance is managed through training because they feel valued and appreciated by the company. They tend not to leave the company because their career develops with training and performance management.
Lastly, training managers, supervisors, and employees on performance management results in increased profitability for the company. These individuals are taught on the important cogs that are needed to increase output, and increased output means increased profitability. When the profits increase, the organization grows, and the professional careers of the people behind it also gets a higher ceiling. Everyone at Matrix Company deserves to attend the training programs to enable them to work successfully toward achieving their goals.
What performance management topics can managers and employees be trained on and why?
During training, there are essential topics on performance management that managers and employees need to be trained on very well. The first topic is time management; a crucial topic that helps direct the entire workflow of a company or an organization. Time management is critical in the present age since virtually everything works based on time. One second more might just make a deal too late. According to Thomas (2019), the best way to embrace time management as a skill is to avoid distractions at the workplace and develop a list of priorities based on proper workflow management. This needs self-discipline.
Secondly, training on communication as a topic is essential. Communication is so wide, and captures a number of things, including active listening, timely response and even n...
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