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Training Evaluation: Level of Evaluation, Changes, Strengths and Weaknesses, and Improvements

Essay Instructions:

In this assignment, you will be assessed based on the following Outcome:

GEL-1.02: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English.

In this assignment, you will assess the university's training evaluation (student end-of-term evaluation). The university is concerned with program design and transfer of training and uses an online survey as a part of their program evaluation process.

The “Student End of Term Evaluation” form is available in Course Resources.

Refer to the assigned text reading.

You will complete this assignment as a paper, not a worksheet. Using the evaluation model in Table 6.1 and the Kirkpatrick evaluation model described on page 259 in the Noe textbook, address the questions below.

Compose a 1,000-word expository paper that must have a highly developed viewpoint and purpose, be written in Standard English, and demonstrate superior organization. You must communicate in a highly ordered, logical, and unified manner and display exceptional content, organization, style, and mechanics. In addition to fulfilling the specifics of this assignment, APA citation style should be followed. Cite and reference your sources using APA style.

Use the following headers to organize your paper:


Describe the situation. Develop a clear viewpoint and purpose.

Evaluation: Level of Evaluation

First, what level does this evaluation address? Is this the best level to assess? Why or why not? Should some other level be targeted? If so, what, why, and how?

Evaluation: Changes

Second, after identifying the level of evaluation, what changes would you make in the university training evaluation? What questions would you add, what questions would you delete, and what questions would you revise to improve the effectiveness of the training evaluation?

Evaluation: Strength and Weaknesses

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the EOT student evaluation?

Evaluation: Improvements

How should the evaluation be used to actually improve the instruction that you receive?


One-paragraph summary of your main points.

To help you become more familiar with Human Resources and Development professional articles, this assignment has a reference requirement of two articles from TD. Here is how you can find TD publications from the Library.

Note: If you reference, take care to use quotation marks for direct quotations. Here is an example with correct citation: According to Noe (2017), “Training and development can help a company’s competitiveness by directly increasing the company’s value through contributing to intangible assets” (p. 17).

Note: If you paraphrase, take care to use the author and year of publication. Here is an example with correct citation: Intangible assets are important for any company. One way their value can be increased is a strategic use of training and development (Noe, 2017).

Assignment Requirements

Answers contain sufficient information to adequately answer the questions and contain no spelling, grammar, or APA errors. You may find resources for APA help in the Academic Writer site under Academic Tools in the left navigation of your course. Points deducted from grade for each writing, spelling, or grammar error are at your instructor’s discretion.


825 words will be okay

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Training Evaluation
Author’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code and Name
Professor’s Name
Training Evaluation
A student end-of-term evaluation is used by lecturers, professors, and teachers to evaluate learners’ performances. In most cases, the criteria measured might be cognitive or learning, reactions, affective, skill-based, and behavior (Noe, 2020). The common measurement methods to evaluate students’ performances are surveys, tests, interviews, and observations. The primary benefit of the student end-of-term evaluation is that professors and other educators can receive crucial insights that can help them improve the learning process and experience. For example, they can change the approach to various concepts to make it easy for learners to understand. The paper focuses on the student end-of-term evaluation, what it evaluates, its strengths and weaknesses, suggest changes that can be made to improve its effectiveness, and possible improvements.
Evaluation: Level of Evaluation
The student end-of-term evaluation emphasizes the first level. In particular, the first level is the reaction outcomes that entail learners’ perceptions of the learning program, including the content, materials used, and effectiveness of the teacher or trainer. In other terms, the reaction outcomes are usually called “creature comfort” (Noe, 2020). In reality, the first level is the best to assess. When learners are satisfied with the program content, useful materials, and the lecturers' approach, they are likely to like the course and get devoted or motivated. That is why it is essential to consider level one before others. However, level two, learning or cognitive, should as well be incorporated. At this juncture, the things that are measured include facts, processes, principles, procedures, and techniques that learners acquired. In other terms, it measures what the students were able to learn. Good examples include how students can apply formulas or concepts in the real life. The reason level two should be added is for the professor to know whether the course objectives have been achieved. Notably, evaluating level two can be done by asking learners to apply principles or concepts in hypothetical situations to test their understanding.
Evaluation: Changes
The university’s training evaluation emphasizes level one. In that light, it captures learners’ insights that foster or hinder their satisfaction with the training program. Learning and teaching in the university have changed from being teacher-centered to student-centered (Jamieson, 2003). However, the lecturer has control of the learning environment, which significantly determines learners’ satisfaction with specific courses. Some questions involving the knowledge that students have acquired and behavioral changes emanating from the training should be included. For example, after learning about interpersonal communication skills, students should show their capabilities of addressing team conflicts or influencing others to do something. Some of the questions in the university training evaluation that should be deleted are those...
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