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Time Management

Essay Instructions:

Obtaining Articles

You will get your articles from the research databases in the library. You may find a link to them on the Goodwin College library website http://www(dot)goodwin(dot)edu/Library/ - I recommend PsycARTICLES or educational journals.

Writing the Paper: Time management -This is the topic

The format for the paper is as follows:

Paragraph 1 – Introduction – Introduce your subject – why did you choose this? Paragraph 2 – Article #1 summary

Paragraph 3 – Article #1 opinion

Paragraph 4 – Article #2 summary

Paragraph 5 – Article #2 opinion

Paragraph 6 – Article #3 summary

Paragraph 7 – Article #3 opinion

Paragraph 8 – Conclusion – Summarize your findings. What was most interesting? Why?

**First person (use of “I”) is NOT permitted in the summary paragraphs—keep in mind these paragraphs are for factual information only!**

Citations and Reference Page

Internal citations are a must! If you did not come up with the material you are writing about, then you must give the author(s) credit who did. Here is an example of an internal citation:

“In 2007, Nagasawa, Mogi, and Kikusui researched what the attachment is between humans and dogs. Of the species that humans have been able to domesticate, dogs were among the first and have a place in society with humans (Nagasawa, Mogi & Kikusui, 2007).”

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Time Management
Institutional Affiliation
Time Management
Time management has shown a significant relationship with academic achievement, job performance, and well-being. Today, people display behaviors that are symptomatic of an increasingly becoming hurried society and suffer from a chronic lack of sufficient time compared to the past decades. For instance, in 1965, 50 percent of workers could take breaks between work, but in 2003, only less than two percent can afford such breaks (Aeon et al., 2021). Time management has become a panacea in modern times to ease this time pressure, and media outlets, universities, and workplaces exalt the merits of time management. The topic is important for its applications throughout the life of an individual, especially among students. For example, Adams and Blair (2019) have shown that effective management of time is often associated with higher performance in academics. This paper provides a summary and opinions from two articles, a summary of the findings, and the most interesting facts presented in the articles.
Adams and Blair’s article has examined self-reported behaviors of managing time among undergraduate students in the faculty of engineering using the Time Management Behavior Scale (TMBS) (Adams & Blair, 2019). Using model reduction, regression analysis, and correlation analysis, the authors attempt to identify the aspects of managing time as practiced by students, the behaviors of time management that are most associated with high performance, and if the students self-reporting with particular behaviors can achieve their goals. Results from the study indicate that perceived time management behaviors are a critical factor in improving academic performance among undergraduate students pursuing engineering courses. The article also reports the results obtained are consistent across all students regardless of their age, gender, time is already taken while pursuing the program, or their entry qualification.
The opinions presented in Adams and Blair’s work are that there is a positive correlation between effective management of time among students and decreased levels of anxiety as well as higher performance in academics (Adams & Blair, 2019). While this association has been established, I have noted that an increasing number of students often find it challenging to strike a balance between studying and their social lives. Adams and Blair (2019) expressed that while students are more included in setting goals and priorities (SGP), they may fail to have the tactical skills of managing the time that is critical to achieve their objectives efficiently. While in college, I have observed that students are likely to procrastinate on tasks they dislike but are compulsory. Similar to Adams and Blair’s (2019) opinion, I understand that apart from time management skills, higher academic performance is determined by other factors, including socioeconomics, problem-solving and study skills, and personality.
Aeon et al. (2021) have sought to understand whether time management works in real life. In their article, the authors have assessed the role of time management on performance and the well-being of an individual. Results from their study indicate that there is a moderate correlation between time management behaviors and academic success, performance at the workplace, and an individual’s overall well-being (Aeon et al., 2021). However, the authors also report on the moderate negative correlation between time management and distress. Another observation that the article reports is that contextual factors and individual differences have been shown to have weaker connections with managing time, with a note...
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