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Theoretical Foundations of Change

Essay Instructions:

Leading and managing change require a solid theoretical foundation. In this assignment, you will research the theoretical elements of change and change management.

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Write a paper of 1,250-1,500 words that explores the theoretical foundations of organizational change. Include the following in your paper:

A discussion that assesses the factors that contribute to the organic evolution of change. (Benchmarks C2.1: Identify and assess the contributing factors in the organic evolution of change.)

A discussion of how to formulate strategic development approaches and to identify models and interventions of change leadership. (Benchmarks C2.2: Formulate strategic development approaches and identify models for change.)

A discussion of the leadership and management skills necessary to implement continuous change models. How do leadership and management integrate to facilitate organizational adaptation? (Benchmarks C2.3: Integrate continuous change models as a component of both leadership and management.)

An evaluation of the leadership and management skills necessary to implement a model of continuous change that facilitates organizational adaptation and ensures follower commitment. (Benchmarks C2.4: Evaluate change models that facilitate organizational adaptation while maintaining a high level of follower commitment.)

A discussion of how to gather and analyze data to determine the most efficacious timing of change.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Theoretical Foundations of Change
Student’s Name or Students’ Names
Department Affiliation, University Affiliation
Course Number: Course Name
Instructor’s Name
Assignment Due Date
Theoretical Foundations of Change
In the modern world, many organizations face a lot of challenges that require rapid change to enable them to meet their objectives. This has mainly been attributed to globalization and constant technological innovation that significantly impact the business environment for both public and private organizations. Organizational change requires a lot of attention because it affects the whole organization and defines the organization's future.
Factors that Contributes to the Organic Evolution of Change
Leadership is essential to change management. It is the flow of authority from the top management to the junior employees and offering the necessary guidance to take the organization in the desired direction (Weiner, Lewis, Linnan, 2009). Managers have a role in motivating their employees to give them the necessary drive to improve their performance in the workplace. Managers and leaders have to motivate their employees in the right way to help them accomplish a lot and fulfill their potential in their careers. Motivated employees are more engaged in the work and enjoy the prospect of contributing to the organization's general achievements, and they believe in the organization's objectives.
How to Formulate Strategic Development Approaches and to Identify Models and Interventions of Change Leadership
Organizational Development (OD) theoretical model aims to expand people's knowledge and effectiveness to help them accomplish a lot in changing their organization's performances (Davis, 2017). It involves a progressive process of planning, implementing, and evaluating organizations to impart relevant skills and knowledge to improve the organization's capacity to manage change in the future and solve emerging problems. The model, which began in the 20th century, is based on the notion that for change to be successful, it has to be well planned (Davis, 2017). Change is a continuous process that involves regular monitoring of internal and external forces that influence an organization. The process includes an interactive diagnosis of the process and further diagnoses and evaluation of progress, and finally reinforcements where necessary (Weiner, Lewis, Linnan, 2009). Organizational development theoretical model or framework considers several factors that have been incorporated in the whole process of change management (Davis, 2017). Some of the factors that are involved in the process include policy procedures, a mission statement, and a detailed strategy, good management practices, great leadership, individual skills and requirements of the tasks to be done, the external forces, needs and values of individuals and finally both organizational and individual performance.
Complexity Theory (CT) model provides a new approach to change management, which involves analyzing how the parts of an organization relate to each other and how this relationship affects the overall behavioral change of the entire organization, and, eventually, how the whole organization relates affects the external environment. This approach, therefore, analyses behavior change at both the micro and macro-level (Davis, 2017). At the micro-level, it focuses on the interactions between various parts of an organization. At the same time, it shifts its focus to the entire organization at the macro level and how it relates to the external environment (Clegg, & Amaro, 2017). The complex theory model has been in existence for a long time, although it has traditionally been used mainly in engineering and computer science to analyze relationships between various parts in a system (Weiner, Lewis, Linnan, 2009). However, the theory has expanded with time and can be applied to organizations to help determine and predict behavioral change. This model is based on the fact that successful change goes against the rules of logic and managerial actions. In effect, this framework acknowledges the complexity of change (Clegg, & Amaro, 2017). This theoretical model emphasizes several factors that have to be considered in change management. Among these factors include acknowledging that all organizations are connected to each other via nonlinear feedback loops, creating a web of organizations.
The Complex Adaptive System (CAS) model considers so many variables, which are very important in determining the outcome that organizations should arrive at. An organization's path to meet its goals is often determined by the participation of a wide range of individuals who possess varied skills and abilities (Clegg & Amaro, 2017). This theoretical framework acknowledges that it is not an easy task to control, understand, or even predict both system and individual and organizational functions. This theory assumes that causality is mutual because each cause is also an effect (Clegg, & Amaro, 2017). The responsiveness of the external environment is the basis upon which real value is measured. Decisions made are based on patterns and tension and actions by both leaders and their subjects within an organization. Organizations, just like systems, are very different from one another. Therefore, it is very important to understand the way one organization works to help it manage change appropriately.
Kurt Lewin’s Change Theory states that a change process involves three stages: freezing, moving, and refreezing. In the first stage, the freezing sta...
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