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The Deming’s Seven Deadly Diseases of Management

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What are the Deming’s Seven Deadly Diseases of Management? And explain each one on them.

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The Deming's Seven Deadly Diseases of Management
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The Deming's Seven Deadly Diseases of Management
Deming William is a renowned American statistician and consultant who discovered specific barriers that jeopardize quality in management. The diseases are defined as critical behaviors which limit organizational effectiveness. Therefore, every manager must account for the diseases to ensure the achievement of business goals and objectives. The paper addresses the seven diseases of management that Deming analyzes.
1. Lack of Constancy of Purpose
Lack of constancy in various business purposes is the first management disease. It is a disease since the planning of products and services requires consistency, which affects the company's planning (Academic Gain Tutorials, 2020). Some of the practices which require consistency include continuous product improvement and services. Without continuity in such elements, the key stakeholders such as employees, investors, executives, and suppliers would not be assured of profitability, thus adversely impacting the business position. There must be a clear definition of quality processes in the organization to show the company's seriousness in achieving its goals.
2. Emphasizing Short-Term Profits
Focusing on short-term profit is detrimental to management in different ways. It involves short-term thinking and fear, jeopardizing smooth business growth and quality enhancement. Whenever the management focuses more on short-term results, they may mistakenly assume the process is good. However, after comprehensive research is done, the management would identify long-term damage to the company (Academic Gain Tutorials, 2020). Therefore, there should be a long-term assurance of the shareholders that the business would exist to enhance loyalty to the company. Too much emphasis on short-term profit would also jeopardize quality, for instance, last-minute shipping of the products without quality analysis. Consequently, a long-term approach is necessary to maintain the company's existence in the coming years.
3. Evaluation of Merit Rating, Performance, and Annual Reviews
Evaluation is a critical element in determining the company's quality management and success. However, it can also be a disease when the management poorly conducts it. For instance, rivalries, unfair treatment, and encouraged short-term performance may discourage the employees and teamwork. The employees may also be bitter and feel unfairly treated, especially those working in businesses using system-based evaluation (Academic Gain Tutorials, 2020). The management must ensure that employee evaluation is taken seriously and conducted fairly to reduce instances of demot...
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