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Technology and Cyber-Stalking Management Assignment

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, think about ways law enforcement might use technology to track and apprehend cyber-stalkers. Consider challenges law enforcement might face in tracking the behavior of cyber-stalkers. Then review penalties for engaging in cyber-stalking behavior in your state or country of residence. Think about the degree to which the penalties are adequate for penalizing cyber-stalkers.

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Technology and Cyber-Stalking
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Technology and Cyber-Stalking
Track and Apprehend Cyber-Stalkers
Cyber-stalking is a type of electronic crime where the offender in invisible and he/she uses the internet to harass the victims. Females and children are the primary victims of cyber-stalking, a crime which can escalate to physical and life-threatening violence. There are different ways through which law enforcement authorities can use technology to track and apprehend cyber-stalkers. First, training of law enforcement authorities is critical in equipping them with tracking skills and expertise of dealing with stalkers (Taylor, Fritsch & Liederbach, 2015). This would also enable them to have the latest technological skills of carrying out investigations. The second step is investing in technologies that are able to lay traps of apprehending cyber-stalkers particularly when they are in the process of harassing their victims. Lastly, law enforcers can collaborate with IT professionals and technology companies who can provide investigative assistance which would be instrumental in identifying the location of the offender.
One of the greatest challenges of tackling the behavior of cyber-stalkers is the aspect of anonymity, where stalkers are able to use the internet to harass their victims from a very remote location. This implies that a stalker can operate from his bedroom or from a densely populated area where it is very difficult to track and apprehend a person. Furthermore, the anonymity of the stalker provides him with the opportunity of harassing people located in different jurisdictions and this makes it very difficult to investigate (Baum, et al, 2009). The second challenge of tackling cyber-stalking is the fact that victims fail to report the crime to law enforcers, or fail to collaborate in the investigation process. This not only limits the investigation process, but it al...
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