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Finding the Right Employee for the Correct Job and What it Takes to Keep that Employee Once Hired

Essay Instructions:

In Module 4 we discussed culture and diversity in the workplace and the importance of understanding the challenges of managing a diverse workforce. We discussed some of your own past experiences and some of the functions that managers complete on a daily basis in order to keep employees happy and productive in a diverse environment. Now it is time to expand on this a bit as we get more into the hiring and staffing aspects of the workplace. In this module, we will explore why managers need to understand the importance of finding the right person for the correct job and how important it is to ensure the employees remain engaged and motivated. As you work within this discussion and share ideas and thoughts, please consider what you gain here and use this information within your SWOT analysis, where applicable.

For your Assignment:

For this activity, you will conduct your scavenger hunt by finding two examples of where an organization conducted hiring and interviewing practices that were considered transparent and open for everyone to see, and then provide two examples of where an organization failed in this area, along with the end result for the organization. Remember, these examples can come from any organization. If you do find applicable information about your own organization while working on this discussion, please use it where applicable in your own SWOT analysis. These examples can be from current events, historical instances, or classic examples, in video or print.

Conduct a web search seeking two examples of where you believe an organization excelled in hiring new employees with fair hiring practices and equal opportunity and then two examples where this management function fell through the cracks.

•    Discuss what you found during your web search.

•    Provide a description of your selected key functions and how these functions can and do affect all managers and organizations.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Hiring and Maintaining the Correct Employee
Date of submission
Hiring and Maintaining the Correct Employee
In the current economy, it is important to hire the best employees. This comes amidst huge losses regarding time money and decreased productivity due to bad hiring. It is noted that companies that conduct poor hiring of employees lose between $ 25-50,000 for each employee that does not suit the job. Other costs that are incurred are related to costs for finding a new employee, costs for an interview, engaging and training of the new employee besides costs of purchase for desks, phones, computers, equipment and salary among others. Therefore, hiring smart benefits enterprise greatly regarding t reduction of costs, reduce the exposure of the enterprise to liabilities for the discriminatory hiring behaviours and improved productivity. Based on the presented information, the essay purposes to discuss two companies that have benefitted from hiring the best employee for the correct job and keeping such an employee. This will be followed by a discussion of two enterprises that have performed dismally due to failure to hire the right people.
Getting the best employee for the right job and keeping such an employee requires that managers dig deep into issues such as competency, the capability of the employee, compatibility, and conformation with other employees as well as the commitment of the employee to work for the long term. It is noted on the history of the past jobs and the duration the employee has spent in the different jobs.
Two best performing enterprises: Google Inc and SAS
Google Inc centres its interviews and selection of employees who score high on conscientiousness since they become more responsible for the teams. Besides, the issue their employees with sample test during interviews. Such tests are normally similar to the activities that the employees would do the job and assess their performance on such tests. However, this only contributes to about 29 percent since actual performance needs extra skills and collaboration with others, adapt to uncertainties as well as learning. On the same note, the company can pick the right employees due to cognitive tests (Bock, 2015). These tests highlight right or wrong answers just like the IQ tests. Therefore, the enterprise combines both assessments such as general cognitive ability tests and the conscientiousness assessment test to predict the best employees who will work to completion and dedicat...
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