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BUS499C4 Strategy Mapping and the Learning & Growth Perspective

Essay Instructions:

Explain the process of strategy mapping and how it relates to performance management and establishing value propositions. You may discuss this theoretically or use the Glacier Inn case study presented in Armitage and Scholey (2009) to serve as an example for integrating these ideas. Alternatively, you can use the Hazard Action Zone case study presented in Murby and Gold (2005) if you’d prefer. 
Armitage, H., & Scholey, C. (2006). Using strategy maps to drive performance. Society of Mgt. Accountants of Canada. Retrieved from http://www(dot)cimaglobal(dot)com/documents/importeddocuments/tech_mag_strategy_mapping_march07.pdf
Murby, L., & Gould, S. (2005). Effective performance management with the balanced scorecard: Technical report. Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. Retrieved from: http://www(dot)cimaglobal(dot)com/Documents/ImportedDocuments/Tech_rept_Effective_Performance_Mgt_with_Balanced_Scd_July_2005.pdf
Assignment Expectations
Your essay should be 3 to 4 pages long and include the following:
Introduction: In this part of your essay you will need to introduce your topic and provide a very brief overview of the key points you plan to make in your paper.
Analysis: In this section you will present several arguments in favor of your thesis statement. Discuss how either Glacier Inn or Hazard Action Zone effectively used strategic mapping (or how they failed to do so).
Conclusion: Wrap up your argument with a clear and cogent synopsis of your findings. Do your best to convince your reader (aka, your professor) as to your position.
Additional Instructions: Your essay should be 3 to 4 pages in length (not counting your title page or references). You must include a list of references. APA formatting is preferred. Do not paste in sections of text into your essay. All of your work must be written in your own words. It’s OK to use a short quote now and again, but quotations must be in quotation marks and properly cited. In-text citations should be used anytime you are borrowing somebody else’s ideas, or information. That is to say, if you are borrowing a thought from a publication from J. Neutron’s article written in 2010, that section of text must be followed with (Neutron, 2010). Quotations, data, and general ideas (put into your own words) should all be cited. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Strategy Mapping And The Learning & Growth Perspective
Strategy Mapping and the Learning & Growth Perspective
Strategy mapping has revolutionized the way business strategies are formulated and executed. Such a revolution is associated with the success of using the balanced scorecard in making important decisions. Strategy mapping has raised many people’s awareness and gained popularity in establishing an integrated strategy scorecard system (Armitage & Scholey, 2006). Many companies have adopted this process, providing a better implementation framework. When it comes to actual implementation details, organizations have failed to find a detailed explanation or guideline that explains how to take advantage of strategy mapping(Armitage & Scholey, 2006).
Strategy mapping provides proper guidelines on how to implement practical strategies using a systematic process. It serves as a reference for any organization that wants some guidance on how to successfully achieve its strategic objectives. The organization can benefit by adopting a framework that will enable them utilize their resources(Armitage & Scholey, 2006). Coming up with a vigorous strategies is the most important business process, however the implementation process can hinder the organization from achieving the desired outcomes(Murby & Gould,2005).
An appropriate approach developed by Robert Kaplan and David Norton, who developed the balanced scorecard, is the strategy mapping, which helps in executing different activities to achieve the desired outcomes (Murby & Gould,2005). In this process, the organization describes its key objective using a graphical illustration. A well-constructed strategy map tells a story of the organization concisely, it illustrates a visual roadmap to follow and assist the organizations improve the probability of successfully implementing their business strategies(Murby & Gould, 2005). The most important process is to offer a systematic method that permits the organization builds effective strategy maps for better execution (Armitage & Scholey, 2006).
Strategy mapping is related to balanced scorecard, but strategy maps are unique as compared to balanced scorecards. Using strategy maps , organization can clearly describe and communicate with its key partners effectively (Armitage & Scholey, 2006). A well-crafted strategy map helps in aligning the organization function like planning, budgeting, monitoring, compensation and daily operations(Armitage & Scholey, 2006). Organizations can predict its outcome by enhancing its operation and increase its financial performance (Armitage & Scholey, 2006).
The Glacier Inn was established some years back in Northern Minnesota, the owner was convinced that they could adopt the similar strategy used at the Quebec Ice Hotel, which is a popular styled hotel because of its adventurous nature. As a result, the hotel partners invested in the new idea, securing a loan from state government and purchased a land near the main river (Armitage & Scholey, 2006). The land was construction site where ice was used as part of construction material.Glacier Hotel had the vision to become one of the ice hotels globally. Innovation and uniqueness were to provide an unmatched value giving its guest a lifetime experience and total satisfaction(Armitage & Scholey, 2006).
The hotel was opened in January made of ice with more than 28 rooms and an art gallery. Everything was made of ice, guest slept on bag on a bed of deer pelts located over the top of a bed with shaped blocks of ice. The room temperature ranged from – 3 degrees to – 6 degrees. However, guests were kept warm. The...
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