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Steps in Strategic Planning and Decision-Making Process

Essay Instructions:

In a four- to five-page paper (excluding the title and references pages), discuss the strategic planning process. In your paper:

Explain the basic steps in the planning process.

Describe the steps in the decision-making process, and predict how the personal attributes of the manager influence decision making.

Predict how the steps of the strategic planning process and the environmental factors that influence decision making impact the quality-productivity-profitability link.

Your paper must include in-text citations and references from at least three scholarly sources, in addition to the text, and be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center (Links to an external site.).

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Planning Process
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Planning Process
In business, planning is a managerial process that involves setting objectives and determining how to achieve them. It is the first and most crucial step in the management process, laying the foundation for all the other activities. The decision-making process is a process that is used to make decisions. It is a process used to identify and select a course of action from a set of alternative courses (Bierman et al., 2016). The report aims to identify the steps of the planning process and decision-making process.
Basic Steps in the Planning Process
The planning process has six essential stages:
Situational analysis (Step 1)
Situational analysis is beneficial for analyzing the current situation. It involves understanding the current state of affairs, identifying problems or opportunities, and determining the organization's strengths and weaknesses (Bierman et al., 2016).
Alternative goals and plans (Stage 2)
Once the current situation has been analyzed, the organization can set goals and develop plans to achieve those goals. There will usually be multiple options for goals and plans, so it is essential to evaluate each to determine which is best suited for the organization (Bierman et al., 2016).
Goal and plan evaluation (Stage 3)
After goals and plans have been selected, it is crucial to evaluate their effectiveness. It involves measuring progress against targets, identifying problems, and making necessary adjustments (Iseri-Say et al., 2008).
Goal and plan selection (stage 4)
Once the goals and plans are practical, they must be continuously adapted to changing conditions. This process is known as goal revision or plan amendment. It is vital to select challenging but achievable goals and ensure the plans are designed effectively to achieve them (Iseri-Say et al., 2008).
Implementation (Stage 5)
After goals and plans have been selected and revised, it is time to implement them. It involves organizing people and resources, setting a timetable, and ensuring everything is done on schedule. It is also essential to monitor and control progress so that the organization remains successful over the long term (Iseri-Say et al., 2008).
Monitor and control (Stage 6)
After implementation has been completed, it is crucial to monitor and control progress to ensure that the goals are met. It can be done through regular reports, meetings, and other forms of communication. If any problems arise, they must be fixed as soon as possible so that the organization remains successful (Iseri-Say et al., 2008).
Steps in the Decision-Making Process
Bierman and Ferrell have defined six decision-making processes necessary for the business:
Define the Problem (Step 1)
The first step in the decision-making process is to define the problem that needs to be solved. It involves identifying the specific issue that needs to be addressed and understanding the factors contributing to the problem (Maleka, 2014).
Develop Alternative Solutions(Step 2)
The next step is to develop alternative solutions to the problem. It involves brainstorming various potential solutions and considering the pros and cons of each option (Maleka, 2014).
Evaluate the Alternatives (Step 3)
Once a list of potential solutions has been generated, the next step is to evaluate each option. It involves considering the costs and benefits of each option, as well as any potential risks associated with each solution (Bierman et al., 2016).
Make the Decision (Step 4)

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