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The Spruill Company's Inclusivity Statement

Essay Instructions:

Option #1: Organization's Inclusivity Statement Paper

Welcome to Module 5 Critical Thinking. Ensuring a diverse staff and board composition has as much to do with how an organization internally operates and communicates as it does with the way it attracts, recruits, and hires people. The strategies below outline a few things to consider when working to create and retain a diverse staff and board over the long-term. Once a diverse team and board are in place, there are myriad ways of celebrating and recognizing diversity on an ongoing basis.

Creating and publishing an inclusivity statement, and leveraging that statement during the recruitment process, is an excellent way to attract the caliber of talented people who believe in the same types of values the organization does. For your assignment, you are to create an 'Inclusivity Statement' for your organization. Your statement should include the following topics:

Hiring and Recruitment


Employee Representation

External Relationships

Organizational Leadership

My organization: The Spruill Company is a family-owned company located in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. This location was chosen as it is an up-and-coming area in North Carolina that has potential for business and economic growth. While the founder, Katisha Spruill is originally from North Carolina it was important to have the business headquartered in North Carolina.

The purpose of The Spruill Company is to serve as a resource to entrepreneurs and business owners by providing start-up services, accounting and tax services, legal formation, and even financial support. By way of assessment The Spruill Company reviews applications submitted by entrepreneurs and business owners to determine which businesses are best suited for The Spruill Company to partner with. Having obtained a reputation in the business community The Spruill Company is a respected business known to deliver on its promise. It is the reputation that drives business and is allowing it to thrive even with minimal marketing.

Submission Requirements:

Your submission should be 4-6 pages in length (not including title or reference pages) and be formatted according to the CSU Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements (Links to an external site.).

Be sure to discuss and reference concepts taken from the course reading material and relevant research.

You must include a minimum of 6 credible, academic, or professional references beyond the text or other course materials (at least two scholarly/peer-reviewed from the CSU Global Library).

You may wish to review the Template Paper (Links to an external site.) for help formatting your essay according to the requirements.

If you need assistance with your writing style or you need writing tips or tutorials, visit the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.).

Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Spruill Company’s Inclusivity Statement
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The Spruill Company’s Inclusivity Statement
An inclusivity statement is a crucial starting point for any company seeking to enhance the experiences of both staff and customers. It communicates a company’s commitment towards building inclusive and diverse workplaces welcoming to individuals of all backgrounds. Much like a value and mission statement, The Spruill Company’s inclusivity statement would be, ideally, more than a simple marketing exercise. It would guide its hiring processes, customer service, workplace culture, and employee benefits. The inclusivity statement would also signal potential customers, employees, and community members what the company stands for, including how and whom it intends to service within the community. This paper demonstrates the Spruill Company inclusivity statement, including hiring and recruitment, training, employee representation, external relationships, and organizational leadership commitments.
Hiring and Recruitment
The Spruill Company job descriptions and postings are inclusive to attract applicants from all backgrounds – thus widening our talent pool. The company’s job descriptions use inclusive language. The human resource (HR) managers scan job postings to ensure they do not use gender-specific language. Job advertisements employ different strategies to reach a wider audience, including using job boards that have been previously overlooked, building a presence at institutions of higher learning, and leveraging on social media platforms to reach candidates that have not been applying (Geetha & Bhanu, 2018). The Spruill company is committed to inclusive hiring by seeking out and leveraging resources such as Career.Place, RetroTax, JobTarget, America’s Job Exchange, and Bryq.
The company has in place an effective screening procedure to appraise the candidate pool objectively. We have clarified that screening and interviewing are not one-person to encourage inclusivity and objectivity. The hiring team should comprise diverse team members to challenge things such as affinity and confirmation bias. The applicants should be scored against objective criteria to eliminate bias and encourage merit-based shortlisting (JazzHR, 2020). Furthermore, the Spruill Company culture provides opportunities for recruits from diverse backgrounds to transition smoothly and attain optimal engagement thresholds. In order to achieve this, the company has a “buddy system” where recruits are paired with current employees to create a contact point to enhance motivation and engagement with colleagues.
Inclusive Training
Inclusive training entails eliminating potential barriers that hinder the organizational employees from realizing their optimal productivity levels. The Spruill Company ensures that the training uses the proper language and supports diverse languages. The HR managers are required to be conscious of the employee’s linguistic makeup. This is because learning new things in one’s indigenous language is relatively easier, thus enhancing information retention and subsequent application as they execute their duties. The training also includes some elements of play inclusive of all cultures represented in the team. Research indicates that 83 percent of employees felt motivated after gamified their training process (Apostolopoulos, 2019). Simultaneously, 61 percent of workers whose training program did not include some play felt unproductive and bored (Apostolopoulos, 2019). Therefore, the above findings reiterate the need for training gamification to enhance inclusivity.
The Spruill Company recognizes that every generation learns differently. The training programs consider technology literacy (age) gaps in this vein. The organization pairs baby boomers and millennials to ensure the former is not alienated while at the same time ensuring that the content is aesthetically stimulating to the latter. It conceptualizes the training as a mentorship program where workers from different generations with special tech skills can work as buddies (Pavlou, 2020). In this way, the training is organized to ensure all employee demographic characteristics are taken into account to enhance inclusivity.
Employee Representation
The Spruill Company sustains employee representation by ensurin...
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