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Spontaneous Leadership Styles During Organizational Change in the Business Environment

Essay Instructions:

Today, you learned that your organization has a significant change initiative planned within the next 6 months. The chief executive officer (CEO) has asked you, the human resources (HR) director, to lead this change initiative. You will need to motivate your supervisors as they work directly with the employees; their role in this change will be critical. For this assignment, you will start by doing some self-analysis to prepare yourself to take on heading up the change initiative.
First, begin your paper by briefly describing the change that will take place at your organization. Then, browse the Internet to find one of the many leadership style quizzes that are available. Take the assessment to learn more about your personal leadership style. Consider a traditional leadership style test such as What’s Your Leadership Style?. An assessment that gives a more nontraditional leadership style assessment is The Leadership Legacy Assessment: Identifying Your Instinctive Leadership Style. However, feel free to find your own. Ensure that the assessment provides enough analysis for you to be able to determine your own style.
Once you have taken a leadership style assessment, you will then write a reflection paper that includes the elements listed below.
Compare and contrast your two top leadership styles. Did your results surprise you? Why, or why not?
Evaluate how your leadership style could impact employee motivation and the change initiative.
Select two supervisors from those portrayed in the unit lesson to join your change initiative team, and explain why you would choose them. What roles are they best suited to play in the change process, and how will you mentor them to utilize their strengths and improve on their weaknesses?
Provide an analysis of the motivational theories that could play a role in successfully leading employees through the change initiative.
Identify areas where you think you can improve on your own leadership skills to ensure this change initiative is a success.
Your reflection paper should be a minimum of three pages in length. Your writing should reflect an in-depth consideration and personalization of the concepts presented in this unit, and your interpretations should be insightful and supported.
Any sources must be properly cited. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Leadership Reflection
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The significance of an organizational change in the business environment cannot be understated. Enterprises need changes to maintain their relevance in the dynamic and continuously changing business surrounding. Administering organizational change is a crucial procedure for corporate leadership. The organization’s leadership requires planning and implementing the change process to yield effective results. Also, the organization expects reduced costs associated with the process and low employee resistance during the change process (Zogjani & Raçi, 2015). Organizations experience multiple challenges in their changing process. Companies’ management and production procedures, organizational culture, and disruptions of regular organization activities due to unforeseen crises are among the difficulties expected. The paper provides a comprehensive discussion on finding spontaneous leadership styles.
Expected Changes in the Organization
Our business has opted to digitalize its activities to deal with the current trends and developments in the market. The organization will shift from the traditional file and record keeping method to modern technology and computer software. The company’s seniors have engaged in an extensive discussion and deduced that they should update its security system. Employees are requested to carry their organization identification cards with them at all times for security officers to differentiate between firm workers and visitors.
Leadership skills: Transactional and Transformational
Transactional leaders have the power and obligation to execute their duties. They highly value order and structure, making them fit for big corporation management or control of international operations requiring strict rules and timely completion obligations. Transactional leaders are ineffective in circumstances that value creativity and innovative minds. The transactional leadership model is best suited to individuals who can follow instructions and self-motivated people (STU, 2014). Transactional leaders illustrate multiple features such as inflexibility, focus on following instructions, centered on short-term goals, to mention a few. On the flip side, transformational leaders cooperate with their team to identify the required changes in the organization and formulate a strategy to implement the changes. They share the vision with team members and give credit to the team after successful activities. Transformational leaders understand innovations do not have a common path, and each route must result in disruption (Montgomery, 2018). They conduct various activities such as research, consulting experts, and acting confidently when detected opportunities.
Leadership Capabilities in Transactional and Transformational Models
The transactional leadership model operates within the goals and objectives established within the framework of the companies and organizations. On the flip side, transformatio...
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