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Social Impact of Business: Privacy in the Workplace

Essay Instructions:

Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double‐spaced pages; refer to the “Format Requirementsʺ page for specific format requirements.

Some people believe that the right of privacy should be extended to the workplace. Others feel that, on the contrary, that such an extension would constitute an unwarranted incursion into the management's right to manage.

1. Please comment on this debate, using examples from the text discussion of electronic monitoring, romance in the workplace, employee drug testing, and employee honesty testing.

2. Are there particular circumstances under which it is, or is not, appropriate for employers to monitor employee behavior? Discuss two (2).

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Social Impact of Business: Privacy in the Workplace
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Generally, an invasion of privacy is unethical and often considered an offense (Bhave, 2020). Privacy is defined as being free from public attention or discreet about one's innermost self. Therefore, ethically, the invasion of one's privacy occurs when the individual's personal space is invaded without consent. In their 2021 report, the Center of Ethical Organizational Cultures explained that there is a growing tension between companies and their employees regarding privacy. The privacy subject has triggered heated debates across many firms. Some people feel the employer's invasion of an employee's innermost self and space is unlawful and attracts criminal liability. On the other hand, others think the extension of privacy in any workplace results in an attack on the management's role to manage. This study discusses various aspects of the privacy debates by assessing workplace privacy issues such as romance, electronic monitoring, and honesty and drug testing on employees. Additionally, the circumstances under which an employer is or is not mandated to monitor an employee's behavior are explained.
Employee electronic monitoring in the workplace is defined as using the internet or electricity-facilitated equipment to record, track, or collect information on employees' communication and activities while in the workplace (Smith & Tischler, 2015). Examples of the devices used include CCTV surveillance cameras, computers, and microphones. Surveillance cameras are the most commonly used devices. They are majorly utilized for security reasons rather than employee monitoring. However, cameras can be employed to regulate employee behavior by ensuring they are in the right place and doing what is expected (Ball, 2010).
Organizations deploy electronic monitoring for various reasons. Among them are monitoring workers' use or misuse of the company's resources and equipment, assessing and maintaining productivity by ensuring the company equipment and employees are working effectively and efficiently, providing evidence in case of disputes or legal suites, and protecting the company's secrets. Therefore, electronic monitoring in the workplace effectively ensures that the resources are up-to-date and are not misused. They also ensure that employees are working as required. However, research has indicated that constant monitoring increases people's stress levels and makes them anxious, especially if it represents inaccurate employee performance and the staff cannot challenge the results.
Electronic monitoring invades employee privacy, especially if the management collects more personal information without the former's consent. Placing monitoring devices along washroom routes to limit the number and time spent in the restrooms is an invasion of privacy. Therefore, the management must ensure that employ...
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