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Significant Risks Walt Disney Company Faces

Essay Instructions:

I have uploaded the instructions , powerpoint, and case study for the CMP.

I just need some help editing the risk assessment part for the CMP. This was my group members feedback:

But I do this we dont have enough examples of responses. I think we have to have 5 broad categories of risks which I think some of them are. And then for each broad risk we need 3 specific cases, each of which needs to have a recommended response. Like im thinking it needs to be something like Protests: 1. Employee protests (communicate with them through xyzzy channels). 2. Customer Boycotts (engage with them through xyzzy channels) 3. Violent protests (prioritize safety and coordinate with law enforcement) I dont think those need to be long paragraphs tho,

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Risks of Families not Visiting Walt Disney
One of the most significant risks Walt Disney faces is the risk of families deciding not to visit since it significantly impacts visitor numbers and revenue. This risk can be broken down into three specific risks: (1) families boycotting Disney due to the company's political involvement, (2) families choosing to visit other theme parks due to concerns over Disney's political involvement, and (3) negative media coverage affecting the public's perception of Disney.
To address the first risk, Disney should publicly address their political involvement through press releases, social media posts, and advertising campaigns to assure families of their commitment to promoting inclusivity and equality for all customers.
To mitigate the second risk, Disney could launch new attractions and experiences to attract families and make their parks more appealing. Additionally, Disney could engage with media outlets to share positive stories about the company's efforts to promote inclusivity and equality.
Finally, the third risk could be addressed by working with media outlets to share positive stories about their efforts to promote inclusivity and equality. The company should also proactively address negative coverage through social media and press releases.
Risk of Losing Republican Allies
Additionally, Disney risks losing Republican allies due to its political involvement. This risk can manifest in three specific ways, namely: (1) Republican lawmakers and political figures may publicly denounce Disney, leading to negative media coverage and political backlash; (2) Republican customers may boycott Disney parks and merchandise, leading to a decline in revenue; and (3) Republican employees may quit their jobs at Disney due to the company's political involvement conflicting with their personal beliefs.
To mitigate these risks, Disney could take several responses. Initially, the company could engage with Republican lawmakers and other political figures through meetings and public statements to demonstrate its commitment to working with both parties. Subsequently, the company could launch advertising campaigns targeted at Republican customers to showcase their commitment to American values and family-friendly entertainment. Utilizing these measures could potentially reduce the impact of these risks and maintain positive relationships with Republican allies.
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