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Should Management be Viewed as a Science?

Essay Instructions:

First question: Management Theory has evolved quickly over the past 100 years. A basic question that is still asked...is management a science. Below are links to two articles, one from 1978, forty years ago, and another from 2017. After forty years, the question remains.

After reading the articles, you may wish to do some research of your own. Reflect on the question. What has changed in the last forty years, and is the question still valid? Make sure you support your statements.

Management Is Much More Than Science.pdf

Question#2: Managers versus Leaders: The Arts and Sciences have been part of Academia from its inception. Management is a fairly new phenomenon. It started at the beginning of the 20th century when the Industrial Age created the formation of large complex organizations. Leadership, however, has been around for thousands of years. We see that one of the functions of management is leading. It would appear that management and leadership are somehow connected, yet different.

What is the relationship between the two? Are all managers leaders? Are all leaders managers?

Below are links to two articles and two videos discussing different views on the topic. Read and view the links and reflect on managers versus leaders. You may wish to do some research of your own. Are managers and leaders different, and if so, why? Make sure you support your statements.

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Should Management Be Viewed As A Science?
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Answer to Question 1
The nature of management is a long-standing debated topic in the broad field of organizational behavior and theory. Does it use quantifiable methods and empirical data? Does intuition, human relations, and adaptability define it as an art? The answer is not simple or binary. As businesses evolve and the globe becomes more interconnected, both sides of the science-management debate become compelling. The following discussion further explores the ongoing debate, examining the dual nature of management as a form of art and a science and its complex connection with leadership.
Management theories have rapidly changed over the past century, reflecting the shifting dynamics of the business world and economic and social environments. The enduring relevance of the question raised in 1978 regarding the scientific nature of management is evident in contemporary discourse. In the article "Management Is Much More Than Science," the main points of contention concern using an empirical, organized, and systematic approach to management, similar to the scientific method. According to Martin and Golsby-Smith (2017), technology, globalization, and human psychology have changed management methods in 2017. However, the argument continues. Management encompasses systematic methodologies, quantitative methodologies, and models, all in line with the principles and practices of scientific disciplines. Over the past 40 years, data analytics, performance metrics, and effectiveness models have solidified the idea that management is a science. Human behavior, organizational dynamics, and market variables are unpredictable, making management difficult to study scientifically. The article published in 2017 provides a clear explanation that management encompasses more than just numerical data and methodologies. It is about intuition, adaptability, and hum...
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