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Short Research Paper 2

Essay Instructions:
Instructions: You must use the template I provided for this assignment since it will make it a lot easier for you. Failure to do so will result in a return of your paper for you to redo, a reduction in points, or both. I strongly recommend that you simply download it and then upload it under a different name, such as your last name, course number, and assignment number. Choose a topic of your choice that relates to the material covered during the fourth, fifth, or sixth week of the course and write a short research paper on it. This is your opportunity to explore in-depth a topic that you have greater interest in than what we covered during the course. Technical Requirements: . Your paper must be at a minimum of 8 pages ( Title, Abstract, and reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit). . Use scholarly or peer-reviewed sources. A minimum of 5 sources are required for this assignment. . Type in Times New Roman, 12points, and double space. . Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework. . Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic-type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc. . All submissions will be graded using the attached rubric.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Role of Homeland Security Intelligence in Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive Hazards Name American Public University System INTL613 Instructor Rank and Name Month Day, Year Abstract The 21st century has embraced technology and innovation in almost all aspects, and only a few regions or communities still fully maintain their traditional heritage. Technological advancements give the advantage of pursuing terrorists and prosecuting crime using better techniques. However, it also presents a challenge because the terrorists may utilize technology and develop more sophisticated weapons that are better than those possessed or manageable by law enforcement bodies. The emergence of chemical, radiological, biological, and nuclear explosives poses a risk to the whole world. This selection of threats suits the aims of terrorists; hence, domestic and international intelligence communities must be at the forefront of controlling them. Intelligence should collaborate with policymakers to curb threats, create awareness through sharing information, and enhance criminal investigations through capacity building. Homeland Security Intelligence in the United States counters these threats and is also responsible for tracing their effects on agro-terrorism. Introduction The world is rapidly evolving due to significant innovations and creativity in all aspects of life, and terrorists can utilize these advancements to overcome the existing boundaries that have denied them the freedom to commit crimes. During week 4 of the course, the lectures focused on a review of biological, chemical, and radiation terrorism. Tools of mass atrocities and the dark secrets of the use of uranium were also discussed. Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (CBRNE) have the potential to cause mass disruption of society and mass casualties in a short time. If terrorists take advantage of these sophisticated war techniques, they will be able to destroy a significant portion of the whole world in a single strike. However, it should be noted that the development of CBRNE was initially meant to solve world problems before the mindset of destruction set in and the available raw materials were manipulated to produce a dangerous product. Homeland Security has implemented measures to mitigate CBRNE concerns and control the threats associated with it. Through cooperation with other national security agencies, Homeland Security Intelligence (HSINT) has taken significant steps to cope with CBRNE's security challenges. This paper will discuss the efforts taken by HSINT to protect the United States and the international community from mass destruction at the hands of terrorists. CBRNE Overview in the United States CBRNEs encompass a range of hazardous materials and substances with significant risks to health, infrastructure, and the surrounding environment. The United States has experienced different versions of national security threats, and a significant number of them fall under CBRNE. The current research paper is anchored against this backdrop as it attempts to contribute to the understanding of the role of HSINT in addressing CBRNE threats in the United States. Chemical and Biological Hazards Rapid industrialization in the United States has exposed the ecosystem to different kinds of chemical waste that may be released into the environment intentionally after treatment or unintentionally. Toxic industrial chemicals and nerve agents can result in respiratory problems, skin burns, and even fatalities. Homeland Security is tasked to identify chemical agents that terrorists may use to threaten harmony in the country. The ignition of ammonium nitrate caused the West Fertilizer explosion in 2013, and it resulted in fatalities, injuries, and economic losses to businesses (Yue et al., 2023). Moreover, biological warfare has been used by terrorists to threaten states and intimidate people to meet their unrealistic demands. On a regional scale, bacteria, viruses, and toxins can cause mass casualties in a short time. Homeland Security cooperates with other support groups to detect and contain biological threats. The United States was a victim of anthrax attacks, which occurred after the September 11 terrorist attacks. Several letters which had been infected with anthrax spores were sent to various government offices and media outlets. This biological warfare resulted in widespread fear, extensive public health responses, and bioterrorism preparedness efforts (Tin et al., 2022). Second, the COVID-19 pandemic that originated in Wuhan, China, massively impacted the United States and the world as it strained healthcare systems and disrupted economies. Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive Hazards The bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in Japan during World War II was a testament to the impacts of ionizing radiation on national security. The impacts of this inhuman act are being felt today, with significant mutations in genes and ecological changes persisting in that environment. Radiation exposure can lead to environmental contamination, long-term health effects, and acute radiation sickness. Nuclear hazards refer to the potential for nuclear explosions, reactor meltdowns, or the detonation of nuclear weapons. Nuclear incidents can result in catastrophic destruction, mass casualties, and long-term environmental contamination. Nuclear products are often used in controlled environments with professionals wearing personal protective equipment. Any accidental leaks are promptly identified and contained to minimize their impacts. Due to the potent nature of nuclear products, nuclear weapons have the potential to destroy lives and disrupt normal operations in the United States (Tina et al., 2022). Moreover, terrorists can also use explosive hazards to threaten national security. Improvised explosive devices, conventional explosives, and chemical explosives cause destruction and casualties. Immediate response is needed in areas under explosives attacks to secure the area, conduct disposal operations, and provide necessary emergency care to victims. Renowned radiological incidents include the Three Mile Island nuclear incident in 1979. The incident was initiated by a partial meltdown of a reactor core, which released radioactive gases in Pennsylvania and its environs and sparked concerns a...
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