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Running Case Analysis: This Makes Scents (Management Essay)

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Running Case Analysis: This Makes Scents
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Running Case Analysis: This Makes Scents
Part 1
Partnership and employee relations are a significant aspect of the strategic development of human resources in a business as it helps instill commitment through contention. The human resource department in a business is tasked with influencing the attitudes, behavior, and performance of employees which shows the vitality of addressing any issues that may regress productivity. In Ashton and Jessie's ‘This Makes Scents’ case, the business is experiencing a human resource crisis where they lack a clear policy of various employee matters. Different aspects including wage and hours, injury policy, holidays, and vacations. They also lack a definitive partnership with a clear division of responsibilities which has strained Jessie’s timetable and wellbeing.
Question 1
The partnership has several issues with its employees, all of which have significant weight on the coordination and productivity of the business. The first issue that Jessie and Ashton should address is the safety issue from the fourth employee. In his article on workplace injuries, Edwards (2015) noted that health and safety policy is one of the most important responsibilities of the HR function in a business. According to the Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) (n.d.) addressing injury, issues require stating clear responsibilities for both employer and employee, implementing a policy and ways to meet required standards, and ensuring the fulfillment of these by every stakeholder. The safety policy is prioritized because even Jessie, who is the more active partner, does not know how to handle such an event showing that they had not discussed it in establishing the business. The next issue would involve hours and wages as it affected more than one employee and the business continuity relies on extended hours from the leasing company and a lawsuit from one employee. Wage and hours of work are affecting three employees: one cannot work from 4:00 pm, another needs clarity of holidays &overtime payments while the last one inquired on vacation and was not getting enough overtime. Fair wages and salaries and a convenient mode of payment help in effecting both performance and loyalty to the company (Itike, 2011). After addressing the policy implementation about time and wages, communicating through the provision of the handbook to all employees to ensure clarity. This is because clear commination ensures that every employee is aware of the HR policies of the company (Mitsakis, 2014)
Question 2
Apart from the issues with the employees and the role imbalance between the two partners, the business is also experiencing an eternal threat from their real estate lease. The increasing competition for office space required a 9-hour operation per day from the enterprise from the 7-hour regulation. This requirement needed extra hours from the employees, an aspect that was already creating stress in the business operations. The need for new employees as noted by Ashton was also another factor that they needed to tackle as it could present a solution for the extra hours required by the leasing company and the vacation hours by the employees.
Question 3
There are several issues from the employees regarding topics that should be addressed during orientation like work hours and wages, vacations and holidays and a health and safety policy. This shows the employees lack any knowledge about the various policies under the human resource department. In addition to drafting a policy addressing all the issues above, allowing clear communication channels to create awareness about the enactments would ensure that every employee is aware of their responsibility and requirements. This is because according to Jansson and Rozenbachs (2016) indicate that precision in communication policies improves the decision-making process as it gives the employees the autonomy to decide on their own.
Question 4
In the case study, all decisions have been addresses to Jessie which indicates an imbalance of responsibilities between the partners. The complaints from the employees show Ashton as mean and dismissive of the employee concerns. A more equitable partnership can be established through drafting an employee and partnership handbook containing all Articles of a Partnership. An Article of Partnership contains not only the profit/loss and liability division but also partner duties and privileges ensuring smooth coordination (Kenton, 2019).
Question 5
Communication and its factors, that is, timing, content, and the medium is the adhesive that holds all partnerships together. McManus and Tennyson (2008) note that communication helps partners stay in touch and keep themselves and other informed. Ashton and Jesse need to keep themselves updated with every change in the business such as growth, employee demands, and trends. Instigating a strong working relationship through reviewing their business objectives and open communication channels can help to improve their collaboration. Establishing a structured communication agreement as a requirement in the policy can also help...
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