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Reflection on Time Management Plan, Professional Goals, and Social Change

Essay Instructions:

For this Performance Task-Hello performance task is concentrated on time management and psychology critical thinking. Please feel free adjust Time management templet with correct date. To pass use rubrics. When you done please submit 2 papers time management templet and professional goals. Thank you and have great day!

You will write a short reflection paper (2–3 pages) related to social change and professional goals. In this reflection, you are required to answer a series of questions related to your experience. You will also complete a time management exercise in which you began in Module 1 and that you will also reflect on when you have finished your first short reflection.

Professional Skills: Professional Skill of Engaging Multiple Social and Cultural Perspectives, Information Literacy, and Written Communication are assessed in this Competency. To make certain you are addressing all aspects of the Professional Skill, please review the Rubric to determine what is necessary for meeting the requirements. Visit the Professional Skills resources, as needed.

Your response to this Assessment should:

Reflect the criteria provided in the Rubric.

Adhere to the required length.

Use the Time Management Plan Template

Use the APA Course Paper Template

This Assessment requires submission of two documents, a completed Time Management Plan and a short reflection related to social change and professional goals. Save your files as follows:

Save the Time Management Plan as GS003_plan_ firstinitial_lastname (for example, GS003_plan_J_Smith).

Save the short reflection related to social change and professional goals as GS003_reflection_ firstinitial_lastname (for example, GS003_plan_J_Smith).

When you are ready to upload your completed Assessment, use the Assessment tab on the top navigation menu.


Access the following to complete this Assessment:

Time Management Plan Template

APA Course Paper Template

Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively.

Time Management Plan, Professional Goals, and Social Change Reflection

Work/life/school balance is often challenging for many adults these days. Adding coursework to your already demanding schedule can be overwhelming. When adding coursework into the mix of life, it is critical that you best utilize your time, so you can attend to other duties in your work and personal life. Being able to complete your degree faster will get you one step closer to your goals. Your studies at Walden University can assist you in increasing your skills to create positive social change.

Click each of the items below to complete this assessment and the accordion Assessment (2–3 pages).

Part I: Time Management Plan (1 page)

For this Part 1 of your Assessment, you will be using the Time Management Plan template you completed in Module 1. Consider the data you gathered from your scheduled plan and what actually occurred to complete the following:

Compare the planned schedule and how your week actually played out and describe what happened.

Explain what challenges you experienced in managing time.

What resources might you need in order to minimize those challenges? Include strategies that you might use to minimize challenges

If not, what do you think you are doing well and how do you plan on maintaining your ability to manage time well?

Explain the importance of time management and how this impacts your progress as a student.

Part II: Professional Goals and Social Change (4–5 paragraphs)

For this Part 2 of your Assessment, you will complete a short reflection related to social change and professional goals. In this reflection, you are required to answer the following related to your experience:

Since starting your program of study:

Reflect and explain what you have you enjoyed the most.

Reflect and explain what you expect to be the most challenging as you progress through your program of study. Also, explain how you can minimize those challenges.

Explain how you can contribute to social change. Be sure to include the following in your explanation:

Professional Goals you are interested in pursuing after your studies, including why your goals are important to psychology and social change.

An explanation on whether you think it is important to contribute to social change and why or why not.

Explain what drives or motivates your progress in your program. (Include any strategies you might use to help your progress.)

Explain how you can keep your goals in mind when making time for your studies as it gets difficult. (Include any strategies you might use to help you throughout your studies.)

When you start writing here is a time management templet ;) I am not sure if i uploaded on the dashboard.

If you have any questions just text ;)

Have great day ;)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflection Professional Goals and social Change
Reflection Professional Goals and social Change
The thing that I have enjoyed the most since the start of the program study is the clear organization of my day with vivid instructions of the tasks that I am required to do at what time and for how long. This element has impressed me because it has made me a self-organized individual besides making my days less hectic and interesting. The plans have also encouraged me to embrace waking up early by proving that a minute wasted even in waking up is normally compensated differently, even if it means going to bed later than expected.
As I progress with the program, I fear adapting to the new routines as stipulated in the plan and making it part of my life. This aspect is challenging considering that there are days in human life when the body can be unwilling to work. Furthermore, in occasions where the time taken to complete a single task becomes longer than anticipated, sticking to the time plan can become daunting and might leave some routine tasks on the plan uncompleted or unattended. However, I still believe that the challenges can be minimized in various ways. The challenge of adapting to the routine is by keeping the end goal in mind at all times. For instance, individuals can motivate themselves by keeping an idea that a task left uncompleted is a burden in the following day. By so doing, they get the strength to stick to the plans, however daunting it can be. On the other hand, to ensure that the time is not overspent on some tasks, there is a need to allocate each time some grace period to ensure that each task in the plan is attended to and completed accordingly.
My primary professional goal is a continuous focus on education. Learning new things is an important requirement in my profession, especially with the technological innovations that keep changing as days go by. The ability to learn new skills and acquire new knowledge enables an individual to have a wide range of information on various issues, which is key in creating awareness of various community issues. Having a rich kno...
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