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Reflection on Bloom's Taxonomy and Linear Project Management

Essay Instructions:

This assignment does not need to be too academic, as it is just a reflection on learning, and being too academic and technical will make the teacher suspect me of academic cheating. The teacher is very strict in academic cheating. Carefully read the homework requirements and complete them according to the requirements, reducing the description of objective facts and rewriting of other author sentences and paragraphs. The teacher pays more attention to the combination of personal cases and personal insights.

You will submit your reflections combined in one document clearly separated by four headlines for each week starng with week 1, week 2 etc via Turnin. You should write 250 words for each week +/- 10%. What is the purpose of this assessment? An important part of Project Management competency is self-awareness of your own emoons, feelings, and thoughts. The Reflective Learning Journal is intended to assist you with this.

The overall intended outcome is that you become consciously aware of your feelings, thoughts and acons, beliefs and values by guiding you to recognise and analyse your responses to certain learning situaons and then unravel and explain how and why you reacted in a certain way. In doing so, you may refer to the seminar discussion, team acvies, literature you have read, and even maybe to your own work and life situaon. In short you may refer to any learning situaon or experience which got you thinking. You should refer to at least two course readings in your combined journal entries. What do you need to do? You are asked to idenfy your own values, atudes and beliefs (as per denion in the Kath Fisher (2004) week 2 reading on pp 4-7) underlying your reactions to various learning situaons and to reect on how such values, beliefs and atudes might aect your studies and your world outside the university. Thus, the report should not be a mere summary of the information garnered from the classes. Entries should be relevant to learning and progress related to the unit of study and professional applicaon. The following structure and quesons will help you with your reecon and wring process: 1. What am I bringing to this course in terms of knowledge and curiosity? 2. What happened? A brief description of the learning situation Describe the learning situation, for example something you came across in the readings and or something that has been mentioned in class. What caught your attention? What was your instant reaction? Differentiate between ‘thinking’ and ‘feeling’ . Were you ‘feeling’ or ‘thinking’? Identify your specific emotions What exactly did you feel? Why did you feel that way?

Analyse the learning event in relation to your prior knowledge, feelings and attiudes What exactly did you think? What judgment do you make? What is this judgment based upon – experience, beliefs, values, education, knowledge etc? Evaluate two or three points from one of the weekly readings that help you to understand the issue, situaon or event. Make judgment on your judgment. Is it helpful? Is it objective? (adapted from Smyth 2008) 3. Have you gained a new understanding of a certain issue or a situation? How valuable is it? What is your new understanding? How will you approach the same or similar situation or issue in the future? But most importantly: What have you learnt about yourself through this process? How will you use the knowledge in your academic/professional development You could comment on: 1. Your sources of learning (arcles, course material, your own work environment, other units of study, team/group work on assignment) and explain their inuence on your thinking and development. Make sure that you reference all your sources! 2. How critical thinking and reecon eect your work in the team, your work or other places? How is crical thinking dierent from other relevant PM competencies like problem identification and problem solving? How does critical thinking impact on all or some facets of project management/your present and future professional pracce? 3. Your view of the barriers or enablers to making project management and your study more eecve in the future with regard to crical thinking.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflective Learning Journal
Author's Name
The Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Instructor Name
Assignment Due Date
Week 1 Reflection
My initial apprehension was stoked when I learned about Bloom's taxonomy because I had come with a keen interest in critical thinking related to project management (Eskelinen, 2019). It was exciting and intimidating to approach knowledge progression in layers. I was immediately intrigued and overwhelmed as I sensed the weight ahead. However, as I reflected on my training and background, my trepidation gave way to resolve. I considered instances where applying critical thinking could have resulted in different results. During the lectures on "critical being," Barnett made a point of highlighting the difference between "thinking" and "feeling" (Paunović, Marković & Živković, 2023). I realized the key lay in integrating knowledge, oneself, and the outside world. According to this strategy, this learning is comprehensive based on my professional experiences and personal values.
Additionally, in the past, I have believed that Teamwork is essential but complex because of the various thought processes involved. This course focused on how important it is for a PM to comprehend the issue and help find a solution (Kerzner, 2022). As a result, I understood the depth of critical thinking and collaboration needed in a team, expanding on my earlier beliefs (Paul & Elder, 2019). As a result, an increasingly thorough and well-organized decision-making process.
Therefore, my ability to think critically has improved significantly. Consequently, the significance of comprehending an issue's full scope and effectively determining solutions has dramatically enhanced my role as a potential project manager (Stanitsas, Kirytopoulos & Leopoulos, 2021). For me, distinguishing between intuitive and deliberate responses and testing my perceptions has resulted in richer private interactions and choices. With this newfound understanding, I will be better prepared to approach comparable situations with a balanced blend of knowledge and intuition.
Week 2 Reflection
Linear project management was my background when I started this course. I was skeptical and curious since the PMBOK emphasizes a linear approach (Ionică et al., 2022). Disconcertingly, traditional training could fail to prepare project managers for unexpected challenges (Shore, 2008). In the face of unexpected challenges, rigid structures have sometimes been obstacles in my past. However, my thinking evolved as I read more. Barry Shore's ideas on systematic biases and complex adaptive systems were innovative. It prompted me to consider the extent to which my past choices had been influenced by unconscious biases. I reevaluated my judgment after learning the difference between 'know what' and 'know how.' This showed that project managers must be flexible, adaptable, and knowledgeable about values, communication, and emotional intelligence.
Furthermore, working together to embrace multiple perspectives has always been central to my perspective. However, successful collaborations and misaligned team dynamics have shaped my teamwork attitude (Stadick, 2020). The course's emphasis on social skills and shared leadership struck a chord with participants. It reminded me of projects where collective leadership led to innovation. However, groupthink or selective perception biases hindered our team's decision-making. Systematic biases must be understood and addressed to improve Teamwork.
Correspondingly, my critical thinking has improved dramatically in this course. Kath Fisher examined and elucidated the complex notion of critical self-reflection, offering techniques to refine this fundamental ability (Fisher, 2004). This holistic approach improves my professional and personal life. Recognising System One and System Two thinking will help me make more reflective and conscious decisions. This course has given me a thorough understanding, enabling me to manage complex situations for work and personally.
Week 3 Reflection
In this unit, I gained knowledge of the management of resources and a genuine curiosity about transformative learning (Rodríguez Aboytes & Barth, 2020). The Community University Research Alliance (CURA) study provided an intriguing introduction to triple-loop learning (Routledge, 2014). My initial response was one of mild intimidation, which was overshadowed by the scope of the subject. I experienced excitement and confusion. Initially, I felt overwhelmed, but looking into my experience in resource management, I started to engage my mind. I had to reconsider my previous beliefs about resource management as concepts began to unravel. My understanding of the direct effects of triple-loop learning on communities was aided by the CURA case, particularly the success of the film project. The depth and complexity of this study made me reevaluate my initial conclusions based on prior experiences.
Moreover, I have always believed that effective teams must collaborate to understand complex issues. This conviction was strengthened by the CURA's participatory methodology, which showed how Teamwork and integrated management can result in sustainable development (De Luca et al., 2021). I realized t...
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