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Qualities Essential to Good Leadership

Essay Instructions:

Please read the attached files very thoroughly and carefully.

The paper is intended to serve two purposes.

First, it should cause you to look back over Eikenberry and the characteristics of a good leader and to begin putting them all together in your mind as you envision a “remarkable leader.”

Second, it should cause you to look ahead to the end-of-semester project where you will have to interview a leader about what leadership is. You should be able to take some of the ideas that you pull into this paper and use them as talking points and questions in your interviews later.

For this paper, I’d like for you to write around the topic of “What qualities do you think are essential to leadership, and what makes one person a better leader than another person?” Yep. Pretty open-ended.

I would suggest that you start with your Eikenberry journal articles and see what you can pull from them as you think about the body of the paper. It is intended to be a blend of academic research and your interpretation and thoughts.

From a structural perspective, it will be 4 ½ to 5 pages, with up to 5 academic journal references that are built into the paper using APA style. You may reference Eikenberry, but that WILL NOT count as one of the references, although it should be listed on your reference page.

There should not be a cover page or any type of introductory class material on the first page (in other words, I do not want you to take up space on the first page by putting your name, my name, the class name, the date, the semester, etc). In a header on each page, put your name and the running header title of your paper, such as “Sams – Leadership Traits.”

The paper will be written in Calibri font, 11-point typeface, and it will use the 1.15 line spacing setting, with 0pts before and 10pts after each paragraph. It should use the default Word margins. Email me if you do not know how to set all of this up, because you will lose easy points if you do not use this formatting.

The very first line on the very first page should start the introduction to your paper, and you should have written four full pages and be at least ¾ of the way down the fifth page when you are done. It should not go more than three lines onto the sixth page. There does not have to be any headings or subheadings. You should have some sort of brief introduction to the paper and some sort of wrap-it-all-up conclusion section.

Please insert your reference information into the body of the paper using the (author, date) method and place all references on a reference page which does not count as one of your 4 3/4 pages.

Please note that I will be using a plagiarism detection software in the grading of the papers, so make sure that you summarize any reference information from published sources (academic journals, etc.) into your own words. I DID NOT use this plagiarism software with your Eikenberry articles, because I wanted you to be able to cut and paste from those documents into this term paper, if the flow was natural. If we had used the software on those files, it would have flagged this paper as a plagiarism of those files. If you copied and pasted from the articles into your Eikenberry papers, it will show here as plagiarizing from the original source, so put that in your own words. Even if you put it in your own words when you did the Eikenberry summaries, putting your own words into slightly different words should further ensure that the software doesn’t think that there are any matches. This software looks at anything that has been published, including books, websites and blogs, magazines and journals, and other papers all over the world that have been put through this software. Short answer – do not use ANYTHING from any other source without putting it into your own words first.

When you have attached your file to the dropbox, close the box and come back a little while later to see what the “originality score” is that is attached to it. This score is inaccurately named, as a HIGH number indicates that a LOT of material IS NOT original. You are trying to get a number as close to zero as possible. If your paper has a higher number than you want, you can rework parts and submit a second file. I have set up the assignment dropbox to only keep the MOST RECENT file.

Please email me if you have questions.

The basic grading is this, and there is a more detailed grading rubric in a separate Excel file attached to this dropbox.

  • Up to 40 points for content and expression of ideas
  • Up to 9 points for answering the basic question asked and demonstrating an understanding of the purpose
  • Up to 12 points related to structure (2 points for each of these things: Calibri font, 11-pt typeface, header, five-page length, 1.15 spacing with 0/10, and reference page)
  • Up to 10 points for use of academic journal references (2 points each for the first five)
  • Up to 5 points for proper reference page structure (alphabetical by primary author last name, structure similar to what we have been doing in the Eikenberry article reviews; 1 point each for the first five)
  • Up to 7 points for grammar
  • Up to 7 points for spelling
  • Up to 10 points for plagiarism-free content
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Qualities Essential to Good Leadership
Leadership is the individual influence on individuals to achieve individual or common goals for a group or an organization. (Gujral, 2013) describes leadership as the process of social influence in which one person, with the help and support of others, can achieve a common goal. It involves organizing a group of people to achieve a common goal. A leader can also be defined as a person who carefully selects, trains, and influences team members. These members have diverse strengths, abilities, and skills. The leader needs to focus on each member of the organization's mission and vision which causes each team member to willingly use their emotional and physical energy towards achieving the missions and objectives set out by the organization (Winston & Patterson, 2006).
Therefore, a good leader can guide their team members to achieving an organization's mission and objectives and allows the team members to willingly do so by providing a healthy and conducive working environment for them. The main problem facing organizations today is they are either under led or over led and therefore the need to adjust their maximum capacities to create balanced leadership (Muteswa, 2016).
Determinants of good leadership include:
* Effectiveness of the leader
* Team management skills
* Leadership style
* Skills of leadership
* Handling dissent and conflict
* Emotional intelligence
(Muteswa, 2016) discusses the following as the main qualities of a good leader:
1 Confidence: A good leader needs to maintain the team's morale and gives them reassurance even in times of profound doubts that may arise in the course to achieve the set goals. Staying confident helps reassure the rest of the team members that setbacks are normal and focus on the larger organization's goal. A good leader needs to maintain calmness and confidence so that the team picks up the feeling and keeps moving forward and working towards the organization's goal.
2 Honesty and transparency: A good leader needs to hold a very high ethical plan to manage a team. As a leader, you must make a list of values and beliefs of yourself and the organization and ensure all the team members are well aware of these values by emphasizing the team. That encourages the team to live up to the standards and create a friendly and helpful working space for the whole team.
3 Communication: Knowing what needs to be accomplished and conveying it to team members is crucial. A leader needs to clearly and succinctly describe what they need to be done by the team to achieve the same goal. Healthy lines of communications ensure seamlessness in training new members and creating a productive work environment. Once a leader perfects their communication skills, the team members can work well without hesitation as all instructions are clear and concise.
4 Commitment: A leader needs to show hard work and commitment to their work so as the team members can follow. A committed leader motivates their team to work hard as it is gets instilled in them. Working with each team member on every level ensures respect and motivates the team to work hard and deliver the peak amount of quality work possible.
5 Ability to inspire: The team needs to feel invested in its accomplishments, especially in the beginning stages of a company. Inspiring the team to see the vision of the company is critical to an organization's success. Once the team feels inspired, they can overcome low morale and fading energy as they are dedicated to the organization's primary goal. A good leader can ensure team members stay inspired by creating a bonus system, commending efforts often, and allowing them to take breaks now and then.
6 Positive attitude: A healthy working environment should be a mix of playfulness and productivity. There needs to be this balance to keep the team members' energy high. It can be created by introducing incentives such as providing meals for the team, occasional office parties, and one-on-one talk sessions. That ensures the team stays happy and therefore increases the chances of working overtime, devoting their best to its success.
7 Ability to learn from failure and bad experiences: A leader is tasked with guiding the team in day-to-day tasks. Sometimes, unexpected situations arise, and the team is needed to look to their leader for guidance. A leader can use past experiences to assess a situation for them to make a final decision. A good leader in such a case would need to have good intuition to make a tough decision comfortably and trusting yourself enough to know that it is the right decision to be executed.
8 Ability to delegate: As a good leader, it is essential to trust your team with the organization's vision. The more a business grows, the more the workload piles up, leading to low-quality work. Therefore, a good leader needs to identify each member's strength and capitalize on it by delegating each member's roles based on their strength and what they enjoy most. That leads to the team members producing the best results to carry out tasks they enjoy and aligned with their strengths. On the other hand...
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