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Qualitative Research Methods(2) Management Essay

Essay Instructions:

In the Module 2 Case Assignment, demonstrate understanding of the variations of qualitative research within the existing body of research literature.

Before starting this assignment please view the following videos:



Grounded Theory & Qualitative Research


What is a case study?


UST Research Seminar: What is action research?


Case Assignment

Read background materials provided, as well as articles found during a literature search, to identify one example of each of these types of studies:


Grounded Theory

The Case Study

Action Research

Important Point: The Case Assignment should clearly demonstrate understanding of the important distinctions among these four methodologies.

Assignment Expectations

Write a 4- to 5-page essay that addresses the following issues:

Describe the methodology identified in each study; discuss the basic characteristics of each methodology.

Describe the sample population of each study; explain the process by which the sample population was selected in each study.

Describe the type of results the researchers got in each study; are the results aligned accurately to the particular methodology used? Explain answers thoroughly.

Critically reflect on the methodology, sample population, and results of each study and discuss potential shortcomings observed. Provide justification for conclusions.

Demonstrate understanding of context and purpose of the assignment by bringing all required elements (described above) to the discussion

Hint: Be careful to review the Module 2 outcomes and address them in the response.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Qualitative Research Methods
Qualitative Research Methods
“A story of high school inclusion: an ethnographic case study.”
The study looks at high school inclusion as a “socio-cultural process” especially among people with disabilities. The data for this study was collected through semi-structured questionnaires, review of official educational documents, and observations (McKee, 2011). The methodology has a distinct characteristic in that the case is contained by “time and place.” The author explains in the case that events that take place within the school settings and at home pertain directly relate to the inclusion of the young people with disabilities.
The Study Population
The study involved interviewing 17 people over a two year period. The people were interviewed at least once over the duration of two years. The participants included two high school administrators (deputy principal and the principal), eight general education teachers from school, two from “Area Education Agency,” and adoptive parents (mother and father) of the students with severe disabilities. The population was chosen based on the contact they had with the students with disabilities.
The results showed that the study participants did agree that inclusion was the right thing to do but with limitations. They felt that while the idea of inclusion was good, there were drawbacks to it because they believed that it could work for certain individuals and not others. Different people believe that inclusion is good, but have different viewpoints. Administrators believe that inclusion can make schools provide more than they should or can. Special education staffs vouch for inclusion as long as it does not impede the progress of other students and the expectations of the parents remain realistic. General educators showed that they were open to inclusion and vouched for it with no limitations (McKee, 2011).
Limitations and Conclusion Justification
The study had no observation data that could corroborate what the respondents said. There were also no data to show that those students with disabilities were thriving.
The major conclusion was that with an increase in inclusion, students with disabilities would benefit more socially and academically. This is supported by the results of the study where all participants agreed that inclusion was the right thing to do.
Grounded Theory
“Being there: A grounded-theory study of student perceptions of instructor presence in online classes.”
The study sought to determine the perception experienced online students at a college in Texas in order to come up with a theory for the perception of the entire community of college students on the presence of an online instructor (Feeler, 2012). The study used interviews as the method of data collection. The methodology was unique in the sense that it also involved using theory to guide the collection and coding of interview data.
Study Population
The study involved an interview with 16 senior students based on their experience having online classes. Those selected must have taken at least four online classes. Before a student was selected, they were asked how many online classes they have had, and if it was four and above, they were selected. There was an attempt to achieve gender balance to ensure that there was no discrimination.
The results established that the best way to ensure a presence in online classes is to make it possible for professors to tell their students of their own experiences that they have come across in a similar situation. Further, it was established that the response time takes by an instructor was the closest students get to be in a classroom. Finally, the respondents argued that it is good to know what online instructors normally think and what they like and dislike so they can be better connected with the students.
Limitations and Justification of Conclusions
The study has several limitations, including difficulty in generalizing the findings. Besides, the study population that was...
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