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Project Consulting Report Calculations

Essay Instructions:


Project Consulting Report

As the newly assigned environmental health and safety (EHS) manager, you have been asked to conduct several calculations that will assist the plant manager in making some safety-related decisions. You are to conduct the calculations and provide the results in a three-page project report using the Unit II Consulting Report template .

Scenario #1: The plant manager is considering the installation of a second tank into an existing containment dike with a capacity of 175,000 gallons. (Note: 1 U.S. gallon = 0.1337 cubic feet). The existing tank in the containment measures 15 feet in diameter and 12 feet in height. The second tank being planned measures 20 feet in diameter and 40 feet in height. State law requires that the dike hold at least 125% of total container capacity. Therefore, you must total all containers in the containment.

Scenario #2: The plant manager has asked you to calculate the mean, mode and median of the following data set, which is the measured reach distances on the bag reclaiming area:

28, 23, 27, 29, 28, 26, 25, 30 and 24 (All measurements are in inches)

Scenario #3: The plant manager is preparing a presentation that includes the last three years of injuries which totaled 14. You have determined that in the past three years there 7 of the 14 were hand injuries. Previous projections had indicated that under normal conditions, only four hand injuries were expected and 12 other injuries were expected. The remaining injuries were due to other causes. Calculate the chi-square value and discuss whether there was a significant difference in observed data vs. the expected data. Also discuss how the process of hypothesis testing might prove helpful to the safety professional.


o = 7 hand injuries and 7 other injuries

e = 4 expected hand injuries and 12 other injuries

Complete your project by following the Unit II Consulting Report template . Ensure you show your equations and all work for determining answers for all three scenarios in the project document. You may either formulate the scenario equations using the Word equation formula toolbar or write and solve your equations with answers on a separate paper. Then, take a screenshot of your work for each scenario using your phone or similar device and insert it as an image in the document. Make sure your image is clear and legible to read.

No references are required for this assignment; however, if outside sources are used, please adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Project Consulting Report Calculations
Student Name
Course Name
Instructor Name
Executive Summary
The purpose of the calculations in this report is to provide data that will assist the plant manager in making appropriate safety-related decisions. The major finding of the first scenario is that the total container capacity would be less than the state law requirements, while for the second scenario, the mean reach distances on the bag reclaiming areas was lower than that of the median and mode. Finally, the finding of the third scenario was that there was a significant difference between the observed and expected frequencies of injuries. It was recommended that the additional tank be installed as proposed, the reach distance on the bag reclaiming areas be in line with the mean, and the safety requirements to prevent hand requirements be enhanced to reduce the number of hand injury frequency.
The project assigned to the environmental health and safety (EHS) manager in the company required the performance of the following:
* Calculating the total capacity in the containment dike with the proposed addition of a new tank to check compliance with state law requirements.
* Determine the measures of central tendency given the measured reach distances on the bag reclaiming areas
* Assess whether projections of hand injuries and other injuries were consistent with the reported injuries in the last three years.
The achievement of these aspects would greatly assist the plant manager in making appropriate safety-related decisions in the company.
For the first scenario, to calculate the volume of the tanks which are considered to be cylinders, the volumetric equation is given as:
V= π ×d22 × h
The volume for both tanks was calculated and added together to provide a total volume for both tanks in cubic feet. Afterward, to get the value of the total capacity of the containment dike as required by state law, 125% of the total volume was calculated. This result was then converted from cubic feet to gallons, given that 1 cubic foot = 0.1337 gallons. This was then used to demonstrate whether the addition of the second tank complied with the limit under the state law requirements.
For the second scenario, the mean, median, and mode of the provided data were calculated. To find the mean, the equation used was:
Mean= i=1n Xin
In this case, the sum of all the terms was calculated, after which it was divided by the number of terms. The mode was identified as the most occurring term in the terms provided, while the median was selected as the middle value when the terms were arranged in either a descending or ascending order.
For the third scenario, the formula for calculating the chi-square (χ2) values in this case was:
χ2= i=1kOi-Ei2Ei
From the above equation, Oi represents the observed value and Ei represents the expected value. The calculation for the chi-square values for hand injuries was done using the observed and expected values after which the chi-square for other injuries was also calculated using the above formula. The values for each were then added together to give a total chi-square value that was used to determine the significance of the differences between the two frequencies. The critical value was then determined from the chi-square distribution table with degrees of freedom (df) of 1. Using a significance level of 0.05, the critical value identified was compared to the calculated chi-square value, which was then used to either reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis that there were no significant differences between the observed and expected frequencies of injuries.
For the first scenario, the results of the volumetric calculations for the tanks are shown in the table below. This was used to compare the results of the additional tank in the containment dike with the requirements of state law.
Tank Capacity

Total Volume (Cubic Feet)

Total Capacity (Gallons)

Tank #1


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