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Procter and Gamble (P&G) Mission and Vision Statement and LikeAGirl Campaign

Essay Instructions:

Option #1: Organizational Missions and Visions
Organizational missions and visions are supposed to be a reflection of corporate ethics and values. However, sometimes their actual practices do not follow such statements. Just as with greenwashing, such organizations are blamed for practicing "social washing" or "impact washing". Their activities may not be aligned with the organizational strategy and CSR could be just a cover for its most unpopular practices.
Choose a URL to an advertisement or promotional piece that is available for view online.
Analyze this promotional campaign in detail, following the organization's mission and vision statement to see how it aligns with its core values.
Examine whether this organization could be blamed for greenwashing/social washing from different stakeholders perspectives.
Present a summarized version of how you would improve (if needed) such campaign and align it with a more strategic CSR view.
Your well-written paper must adhere to the following parameters:
Be 4-5 pages in length, not including the title and reference pages.
Be supported by six, with at least four scholarly references. Remember, you must support your thinking/opinions and prior knowledge with references; all facts must be supported; in-text references used throughout the assignment must be included in an APA-formatted reference list.
Review the grading rubric within this assignment for more detail on how this assignment will be graded.
Be formatted according to the CSU Global Writing Center

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Organizational Missions and Visions
Due Date
Organizational Missions and Visions
Every organization wants to leave an imprint in the minds of customers, potential customers, shareholders, competition, and other stakeholders. Attaining such a feat is not easy, and many companies spend years trying to develop strategies that will help them have a permanent residence in the minds of their target audience. One company that was able to attain such a feat and unite the world in its quest is Procter and Gamble or P&G. Through its Always brand, P&G was able to champion a campaign that echoed around the world. The campaign titled #LikeAGirl caught the attention of everyone and became a trending topic all over social media. The campaign aimed to demystify the notion that girls are inferior to boys and that for either gender, there is a unique way of doing and approaching things. The message was that doing things ‘like a girl’ does not mean one is weak. Weakness is not a product of one’s gender but a mindset, and the campaign was trying to broadcast this message. The campaign results were amazing because, as per the brand’s website, “94% always agree #LikeAGirl has encouraged girls to be more confident” (2014). Furthermore, the results revealed that “more girls now have a positive association with the phrase ‘Like a Girl’,” which was great feedback considering that the statement is often used to showcase girls’ limits. This campaign propelled the brand Always to greater heights, but does it align with the company’s mission, vision, and core values? Also, did it do justice to demystifying the notion that girls are weaker than boys? Provided herein is an analysis of the campaign against P&G’s vision, mission, core values, and an investigation into whether the company can be blamed for greenwashing or social washing.
Association with Mission and Vision/Alignment with Core Values
The mission and vision of a company serve as the anchoring reminder of what a company should be pursuing. Every strategy that a company adopts must be aligned with its vision and mission. Vidya (2015) warns that failure to align with a company’s vision and mission could lead to the loss of stakeholders. Therefore, there is a need to formulate vision and mission statements that agree with what an organization wishes to achieve, both in the short and long run.
The campaign by P&G’s brand, Always, strikes an indirect alignment with the company’s vision and mission. The company’s mission is “To provide branded products and services of superior quality and value that improve the lives of the world’s consumers” (P&G, 2021). Even though the campaign was to help girls break the stereotype of being the weaker gender, it aligns with the mission through its goal to improve the lives of girls and women who historically have been considered inferior to boys and men, respectively. Improving consumers’ lives is quite broad. However, this campaign does fit within the confines of the statement because it seeks to break down barriers and limitations against girls. With regard to the company’s vision, the campaign was meant to attach an immortal value to the Always brand. P&G’s vision statement is “to be the best consumer products and services company in the world.” While the campaign was not pushing a particular product, it was meant to market the brand, inadvertently pushing the brand’s products and services. Therefore, it did serve the purpose and propelled the brand to greater heights. It is crucial to note that it is not enough to have a vision or mission statement as a company. Campbell (1992) notes that simply having a mission does not guarantee success. He writes that there is a need to have a team that has a “sense of mission.” With this campaign, the management team in charge of the Always showcased their sense of mission and delivered a masterpiece to help market the brand.
With regard to the company’s values, P&G is established within the confines of five values. These include integrity, trust, leadership, ownership, and passion for winn...
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