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Presentations in Criminal Justice Settings

Essay Instructions:

For this Discussion, select two settings in which a criminal justice professional might conduct a presentation (e.g., public schools, corporate settings, professional criminal justice conferences). Then, consider how presentations within thosesettings might differ based on the setting and audience. In addition, explain how using effective presentation skills can benefit you in your role in the field of criminal justice, or a role in which you may be interested.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Presentation in Criminal Justice Settings
Presentation in Criminal Justice Settings
Effective presentation skills are an important aspect of criminal justice settings. This paper focuses on presentation in two settings, one to a group of teenagers and the other one in a corporate setting such as security firms. A presentation on techniques of crime prevention in these two settings would be different and would require different approaches. The first difference between these two audiences is their needs. A presentation to a group of teenagers needs to be simple, and any abstract concepts should be thoroughly explained. This audience has limited knowledge on the topic, but they also need to be told what to do and in most cases, will not disagree with the contents of your presentation. On the other hand, talking to an audience in a corporate setting requires some level of persuasion because they are only interested in how the speech is going to benefit them (Crick, 2017). Since they are also experts on security issues, they have enough information about the topic of presenta...
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