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Portfolio #2 Milestone: Timeless Technology Ltd Interview

Essay Instructions:

Portfolio #2 Milestone: Interview
Using the 15 questions you developed in prior modules, conduct your interview with your selected HR professional. Submit the questions and answers to your instructor for review. Make sure you gained all of the information you will need to complete your final analysis and evaluation paper.
Although you will not earn points in Week 4 for this deliverable, it is a required component of the Portfolio Project, and you will lose points on your final project grade if you fail to submit this assignment as required by the end of Week 4. See the Portfolio Project grading rubric on the Course Information page for details.
Note: Any documentation resulting from personal interviews by CSU-Global students are for the sole purposes of fulfilling a course assignment and will not be used as part of a larger study, published, or distributed outside of the course environment.
Special Instruction ... Question 4,5,6,and 11 from the previous paper were tagged not irrelevant by the professor and question 7 needs HR's metrics not business metric. , could you please look into changing the question to an HR related issues while you are working on the new paper :Portfolio #2 Milestone: Interview? I have attached the portfolio 1 and highlighted the questions to look into. Thanks

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Portfolio #2 Milestone: Interview
Portfolio #2 Milestone: Interview
1 How does the company generate its revenue?
Timeless Technology Ltd is a software development company, and we specialize in developing mobile applications. Our clients contract us to develop mobile applications, and they pay accordingly.
2 What are some of the qualities a Human Resource Manager should have for the success of the enterprise?
HR managers should have knowledge and expertise in human resources. They should be willing to update themselves on the current trends in human resources. Communication is vital for any HR manager. Employees approach the manager on various issues which requireexcellent communication and listening skills. Innovation is critical since organizations keep on evolving. Successful HR managers must train themselves to think out of the box and come up with the best solutions.
3 Tell me about your company culture and how it impacts on the employees
We have a collaborative culture which allows decentralized workforce but all the units work together to solve problems. Since our company develops mobile applications, all the groups need to work together to find solutions to the problems. The culture enables the staff to be like-minded and have similar beliefs. The collaboration has allowed the development of strong bonds which help on focusing on the task.
4 What is the HR mission statement and how does it impact on the performance of the employees?
The HR department is committed to provide the employees a stable working environment which has equal opportunity for personal growth and learning. The environment allows for creativity and innovation which has allowed the employees to develop innovative software that has enables us to be competitive in the market.
5 How does the HR vision statement relate to the objectives of the company?
The vision of the department is to build partnerships with all the levels of the management to create a culture that values the employees. We strive to ensure that the company rewards and encourages exceptional performance that fosters teamwork among the employees. The company aims to be leading in the development of apps which requires that we have a strong team which is innovative. The HR vision allows strong collaboration between all the employees which is critical in creating innovative products.
6 What is the strategic contribution of the HR function to the company?
The HR ensures that there is a direct connection between the policies, programs and procedures of the department to the larger purposes of the company. We help the business to harness human potential and channel it to the right direction for the profitability of the business.
7 What are some of the HR metrics and how does the department impact on them?
The first one is cost-per-hire which helps us to see how much it costs the company to hire, train and maintain the workforce. It allows us to determine the time the department spends when sourcing and interviewing the candidates. The other metric is revenue per employee which we use to establish how much each employee is earning for the...
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