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Personal Situation Analysis: Employees' Dissatisfaction with Performance Reviews

Essay Instructions:

It is beneficial that you are active members of working organizations while enrolled in this digital course. To help you make this experience real and take advantage of this connection, Students will write a Personal Situation Analyses. You will choose an event or situation that is occurring in your work organization (you may disguise the names if you wish). You will describe the situation and apply concepts from the course to help you understand, diagnose, and, potentially, solve or improve the situation. Concepts should appear in bold. The write-up should be approximately 750 words (three pages).

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Personal Situation Analyses
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Personal Situation Analyses
Many companies conduct employee performance reviews at least once annually. In particular, my firm reviews its workers every year. Performance management is like a compass that shows employees’ actual direction based on the set organizational goal (Chapter 10, n.d.). However, some workers in my company do not like performance reviews since they think that managers are biased and favor specific employees. In most cases, performance appraisals evaluate job-relevant weaknesses and strengths of workers (Chapter 10, n.d.). The paper focuses on the situation of employees’ dissatisfaction with performance reviews and suggests effective strategies to address this problem.
Many employees do not like performance reviews since they do not understand the metrics used by managers to rate how they perform. In my company, good-performing workers have been left out when it comes to rewarding the best employees. One of the things that determine these performance reviews is the individual personality. Specifically, personality entails a person’s thought patterns, behaviors, and emotions and the psychological processes behind them. The big five factors used to characterize individuals’ personality traits are agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness, neuroticism, and extraversion (Chapter 2, n.d.). For instance, some good-performing workers are introverts, and they play significant roles that contribute to the overall success of a company. However, the company is usually inclined to see frontline workers whose contributions to the firm are directly associated with the outcome.
Some of the factors that contribute to employees’ dissatisfaction with performance appraisals include bias, ineffective communication, and bureaucracy. Managers might be inclined to give good performance ratings to workers close to them or those with whom they share specific characteristics, which hinders the rewarding of actual good performers. The metrics emphasized by performance reviews might not be well-communicated. Some managers have been adversely criticized for delivering negative feedback to bad performers in an aggressive or demotivating manner. In addition, some employees are entitled to pursue many goals, which makes it challenging for them to focus on one objective (Ordonez, Schweitzer, Galinsky, & Bazerman, 2009). Work complexity might contribute to the unintended poor performance of the best employees. For instance, when workers have difficulty achieving quality and quantity, they might compromise one to achieve the other. A good performance appraisal should consider all things that employees encounter in a specific period, say a year, before rating them.
The two primary strengths that make it possible for my company to overcome the problem are the hierarchy of leadership and teamwork. In particular, managers have the power to decide the best employees i...
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