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Personal Model of Leadership from Different Perspectives

Essay Instructions:

Assessment Description

This is a two-part assignment. For assistance in completing this assignment, review "Creating a Personal Model of Leadership," located in the topic Resources, and the completed "Rokeach Values Survey" assignment from Topic 2.

Complete the first part in this topic and incorporate it into the second part, Benchmark - Personal Model of Leadership, in Topic 8.

To complete the first part of this assignment, select one value from each of the four levels of the "Rokeach Values Survey" that will provide the foundation of your model. You may utilize the template provided in the "Creating a Personal Model of Leadership" resource to visually organize your ideas in table form. The table will not be submitted as part of the assignment but can be utilized as a tool.

In 1,000-1,500 words, discuss the following:

1. Identify one value that represents each of the four levels: individual, interpersonal, organizational, and societal.

2. The leadership behaviors and actions that result from the selected values.

3. The meaning and purpose for the selected values.

All content sections of your assignment should have supporting citations to strengthen your claims. Include at least one in-text citation and at least one reference.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Personal Model of Leadership
Student’s Name
Course Number and Name
Instructor’s Name
Personal Model of Leadership
In my daily life, I allow ample space for several values and actions. The two form the foundational basis of how I do things or relate with other people. In essence, they have a significant bearing on the kind of person I am. To a substantial degree, the values also determine the impact I make in society. Equally important, they help me gravitate toward the purpose in my life (Perry, 2022). The values I espouse provide me with guidelines from different perspectives, which are individual, interpersonal, organizational, and societal perspectives.
Individual perspective
As an individual, one of the values that I hold dear to my heart is determination. I always endeavor to achieve what I have set my sights on despite whatever difficulties. Exclusively due to this virtue, I have managed feats that have placed me quite highly among my peers. Those around my social circle joke that if something is beyond my capabilities, it is beyond human capacity. That speaks volumes about the sheer belief they have in me.
The fact that my peers have vested immense belief in me, on account of my sheer determination, has made me more focused in life. As such, whenever I embark on an undertaking, I do so with absolute care and dedication. I do this with the realization that failure would inevitably place my reputation at stake. In short, I cannot afford to fall short of the expectations of those who view me as their role model. In addition, determination has significantly cemented my confidence. The confidence has yielded self-belief, which has become pivotal in my life. As such, I do not let trivial setbacks prevent me from achieving my goals.
Determination is crucial in my life because I want to be someone from whom people can draw inspiration. I intend to be a living example that trying, whatever the circumstances, is enormously important. As important, I am fully conscious of the fact that determination will ultimately spur me to unimaginable heights of success. In a word, I understand that without this important value, I cannot amount to someone of substance.
Interpersonal perspective
The value that I am fundamentally attached to as far as interpersonal relationships go is respect. This, in simple terms, refers to apportioning due regard to people or their activities. Respect is crucial in my life since it significantly defines the relationships I cultivate with the people I interact with. Since respect is a two-way traffic affair, I endeavor to treat all people with the utmost respect expecting them to reciprocate in kind. In addition, the value has inculcated in me the culture of respecting other people’s property and opinions.
My dedication to upholding respect has yielded likable behaviors in my personality. To begin with, being respectful has taught me to listen to and understand other people's views. Hence, it does not matter whether I hold divergent views from the speaker. I have no choice but to listen without interrupting unnecessarily or showing disinterest. In a word, respect has taught me to have the utmost patience. In addition, respect has considerably enhanced how I connect with others. In view of this, I have learned to shelve my interests when necessary. Sometimes, I get forced to smile and show courtesy even when circumstances dictate otherwise. This is because I would not want to hurt anyone’s sensibilities or discourage anyone for whatever reason.
Being a respectful person has been meaningful in several aspects. For instance, it has significantly helped to hone my skills as a team player (Miller, 2020). I readily offer help when required; in the same breath, I never hesitate to seek...
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