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Personal Development Plan and Adaptive Leadership Toolkit

Essay Instructions:


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:

Craft a communication strategy for internal and external audiences

Leverage internal and external intelligence to inform decision making

Develop an adaptable leadership mindset and skill set


You work as a director of leadership and learning for an organization that makes prosthetics. The organization has been in business since 1999 and employs over 350 people in its Tampa, Florida, headquarters and three plant locations across the Southwest. While the business is currently based in the United States, the organization is exploring ways to move into Canadian markets within the next three years. This year’s employee engagement survey results for the organization show that some leadership practices are rated lower, while some practices were rated higher. The new chief human resources officer (CHRO) met with the team to discuss the general results. Everyone agrees that the company’s focus should be on both specific leadership development areas perceived as strengths and on those rated as areas for improvement, primarily regarding social intelligence, emotional intelligence, and the interpersonal skills of effective leaders.

To help this initiative, your manager, the vice president of leadership and learning, asked you to create an adaptive leadership toolkit that can be used throughout the organization. To begin this work, you conducted a personal leadership self-assessment and turned this into a personal development plan. Then you shared this artifact with your manager. Your manager was impressed with the thoroughness of the personal development plan and saw value in incorporating it as an exemplar within the adaptive leadership toolkit for use by all people leaders in the organization. After receiving such positive feedback, you moved forward with creating the rest of the adaptive leadership toolkit.

Your manager has shared the adaptive leadership toolkit that you created with the CHRO, and it was well received. The CHRO wants to distribute this toolkit to all leaders throughout the organization—supervisors and above—and asks you to create a communication strategy that will help in the rollout and implementation of the adaptive leadership toolkit. For this project, you will create that communication strategy.


Overview: In this part of the communication strategy, you will summarize the business problems the organization is currently experiencing and provide an overview of trends from your analysis. You will also explain how a personal development plan and adaptive leadership toolkit can provide solutions to these challenges.

Summarize the business problems the organization is currently facing and describe how the personal development plan and adaptive leadership toolkit will address them.

Why was the personal development plan created?

Why was the adaptive leadership toolkit developed?

Summarize trends in leadership strengths observed in your analysis of the employee satisfaction survey and describe how they relate to the leadership skills and behaviors included in the adaptive leadership toolkit.

In which areas did leadership score well?

How did your analysis help to inform skills and behaviors included in the adaptive leadership toolkit?

Summarize trends in leadership weaknesses observed in your analysis of the employee satisfaction survey and describe how they relate to the leadership skills and behaviors included in the adaptive leadership toolkit.

In which areas did leadership not score well?

How did your analysis help to inform skills and behaviors included in the adaptive leadership toolkit?

Personal Development Plan: In this part of the communication strategy, you will describe the personal development plan in further detail. You will include how the personal development plan supports the adaptive leadership toolkit and the value it will bring once the entire toolkit is rolled out.

Summarize the importance of including a personal development plan in the adaptive leadership toolkit and explain the value it will bring to the organization.

How does the personal development plan support the adaptive leadership toolkit?

How do the strategies within the personal development plan address the business problems the organization is currently facing?

Explain how the personal development plan and SMART goal setting could help develop the leadership styles of the leaders within the organization.

Adaptive Leadership Toolkit: In this part of the communication strategy, you will describe the adaptive leadership toolkit in further detail. You will include how and who the adaptive leadership toolkit brings value to within the organization.

Describe how the adaptive leadership toolkit will be used and who within the organization will manage it. Your response should address the following:

Who is the target audience for the adaptive leadership toolkit?

Who are the owners of the adaptive leadership toolkit?

Describe the specific leadership skills and behaviors that are included in the adaptive leadership toolkit and explain how developing these skills and behaviors will address the business problems the organization currently faces. Use trends from the employee satisfaction survey to support your response.

Rollout and Implementation: In this part of the communication strategy, you will provide more details around the rollout and implementation of the adaptive leadership toolkit throughout the organization.

Provide a timeframe for rollout and implementation of the adaptive leadership toolkit and justify how this strategy supports the organization’s goal of improving leadership skills and behaviors over the next two years.

Describe the metrics and deliverables associated with the rollout and implementation of the adaptive leadership toolkit. Your response should address the following:

How will the success of this rollout and implementation be measured?

What are some important milestones to consider for tracking progress?

Determine methods for communicating the relevance of the adaptive leadership toolkit to stakeholders within the organization. Your response should address the following:

How should this be communicated to leadership to help gain buy-in?

How should this be communicated to its intended users to help gain buy-in?

Describe the feedback and communication strategy associated with continuous improvements to the adaptive leadership toolkit. Your response should address the following:

How can employees provide feedback on any roadblocks, issues, or ideas for improvement?

How will updates to the adaptive leadership toolkit be communicated from leadership down to employees?

What to Submit

To complete this project, you must submit the following:

Communication Strategy

Submit a 10- to 12-page Word document using 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Leadership development toolkit
Leadership development toolkit
Adaptive leadership is influencing or motivating others to tackle the challenges facing them directly without looking for deviating alternatives. An adaptive leadership toolkit is an important instrument that helps leaders and managers in organizations when they want to implement change. Not only does it provide a blueprint that can be used in the process, but it also identifies the aspects that need to be addressed to have a successful change process. As the director in charge of leadership and learning in my organization, I have developed a strategy that will, in the long run, prove helpful when bringing everyone on board and moving toward change. This adaptive leadership toolkit will capture every aspect of the organization and involve employees, managers, and the entire workforce that defines this organization. To be precise, the main areas that this toolkit is going to capture include the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, the business problems that affect it, the communication strategies that can come in handy for all the stakeholders, as well as the personal improvement and development plan for the organization's leadership.
Business problems
Identifying the pertinent problems affecting a business is usually crucial to impacting the overall progress and conducting a thorough assessment of what essentially ails the organization to develop clear goals for going about or solving them (Boylan & Turner, 2017). As a director, there have been many organizational changes, which have happened over the years. These changes are usually bound to affect the growth and progress of the organization in both ways, and there is a need to ensure that the negatives are addressed while the positives are polished up.
The organization is currently experiencing leadership challenges, evident from the outcomes of the employee engagement survey. Specifically, certain aspects of leadership, such as social intelligence, emotional intelligence, and interpersonal skills, were rated lower. To tackle these issues, a personalized development plan was devised to enable individual leaders to evaluate their leadership capabilities and establish a roadmap for personal growth and enhancement (Bhaduri, 2019). The plan serves as a tool for self-reflection, self-assessment, and self-directed learning, empowering leaders to identify areas needing improvement and set developmental goals. Additionally, an adaptive leadership toolkit was created to provide a comprehensive resource for all leaders within the organization.
This toolkit incorporates proven best practices, frameworks, and practical tools to augment leadership effectiveness in crucial domains like social intelligence, emotional intelligence, and interpersonal skills. It guides leaders to cultivate an adaptable mindset and skill set, empowering them to navigate complex challenges and drive organizational success. By utilizing the personal development plan and the adaptive leadership toolkit, leaders will have the necessary resources and support to address the identified challenges and cultivate the vital leadership competencies essential for the organization's growth (Cardwell et al., 2017). It will be more like a personal guide toward professional improvement.
Another area for improvement identified from the survey was that most employees felt underrated and hence undervalued. This is because they felt that they were not recognized in any way, despite the fact that they contributed greatly towards the routine progress of the organization. Employee recognition is usually a crucial aspect of management and leadership since it contributes greatly towards their motivation. Employees who feel they need to be more valued can be laid back, sad, and generally unproductive. The organization seems to have lagged back in regularly training employees in new skills, something that has perpetually made them feel left out of the company’s greater goal. It is worth noting that training employees on new skills is an investment in the company. This is because they will give back to the company whatever new skills they learn. The organization must support the employees to share its core objectives and long-term goals through regular training.
The organization’s leaders must do it by embracing all the important elements of leadership, such as effective communication; employees can only know of their progress and performance if they get regular feedback from the leadership (Boylan & Turner, 2017). When there is a communication vacuum, it becomes very difficult for the employees to really have any clear direction. Once there is a vacuum between the leadership and the employees, it creates a negative domino effect. The employees lose morale due to a lack of trust in their leaders. Thereafter, there is a decrease in job satisfaction and low productivity that might result in losses for the company. Finally, the company might risk losing some of its most skilled and talented workforce. It is, therefore, imperative that efforts are made to prevent these disastrous events from happening.
I need to develop a personal development plan that highlights everything about my professional self on a personal level. Such a plan is usually key to self-introspection and identification of one's weaknesses as well as strengths, which are usually the first steps towards addressing the business problems that the company faces (Bhaduri, 2019). Only by addressing personal weaknesses as a leader can one address the bigger organizational challenges. As a manager, such a move shall go a long way in restoring self-competence and improving professionalism within the organizational setup. Everyone will recall who they are in the organization.
Leadership strengths
In examining the employee satisfaction survey, numerous notable leadership qualities were identified. Particularly, the leaders within the organization demonstrated commendable performance in certain areas, including strategic thinking, technical expertise, and decision-making abilities. The leaders were noted to be more aligned with what the clients needed. They listened to them, and the employees did the same in some way. This created an environment that was so customer-friendly, and the customer service from the organization was top-notch. The leaders can continue doing so and even be better at this if they just put in a similar effort toward their employees. Whatever the organization is trying to show on the outside should be exactly what it reflects from the inside.
The leadership also seems to have given the employees all the tools needed to carry out their duties and job descriptions. To this end, the strength of the leadership was that it clearly defined the duties and responsibilities of the employees. These strengths closely align with the skills and behaviors emphasized in the adaptive leadership toolkit. The aspect of strategic thinking corresponds with the toolkit's focus on visionary leadership and long-term planning. Similarly, the leaders' technical expertise reflects the toolkit's emphasis on staying abreast of industry knowledge and fostering innovation. Furthermore, their decision-making skills align with the toolkit's guidance on effective decision-making processes and considering diverse perspectives.
The interpretation and implementation of results are usually the most crucial of any findings (Cardwell et al., 2017). The analysis of the survey results provided valuable insights into the existing leadership strengths of the organization, which served as the basis for selecting and incorporating relevant skills and behaviors into the adaptive leadership toolkit. By capitalizing on these strengths and further honing the identified skills, leaders can enhance their overall effectiveness and significantly contribute to the organization's success (Kane et al., 2019).
Leadership weakness
The examination of the employee satisfaction survey identified particular areas of leadership deficiencies within the organization. More specifically, leadership demonstrated lower scores in social intelligence, emotional intelligence, and interpersonal skills, which are essential for effective leaders. These shortcomings directly align with the competencies and behaviors emphasized in the adaptive leadership toolkit. Social intelligence entails empathy, active listening, and proficient communication, underscored in the toolkit to promote collaborative relationships and foster a positive work environment. Emotional intelligence, encompassing self-awareness and emotional management, corresponds with the toolkit's emphasis on self-reflection and self-regulation for effective leadership. Interpersonal skills, including conflict resolution and team building, align with the toolkit's guidance on cultivating strong relationships and fostering teamwork.
As has initially been noted, the other leadership weakness is communication. Communication is the backbone of the day-to-day operations in any organization (Kane et al., 2019). It, therefore, beats logic for the company to move forward productively if there seems to be a communication bottleneck from the leadership. The leadership needs to embrace two-way communication similarly it does with the clientele. This can be through regular meetings with the staff, where they engage them personally and listen to their joys and grievances. The leadership also needs to regularly update the rest of the company on the progress of any project. They must also establish a feedback relationship with the staff (Kane et al., 2019). Just like a doctor-patient relationship, it is only through feedback that the leadership can know what is working and what isn’t.
Examining the survey results provided valuable insights into the leadership deficiencies within the organization, which informed the selection and integration of specific competencies and behaviors into the adaptive leadership toolkit. By addressing these weaknesses and developing the identified skills, leaders can enhance their effectiveness and contribute to a more positive and cohesive organizational culture. This can, after that, set up a platform upon which future organizational goals can be built.
Personal development plan
Incorporating a personal development plan into the adaptive leadership toolkit holds great significance as it complements and enhances its effectiveness. The personal development plan offers a structured approach for individuals to evaluate their leadership strengths and weaknesses, establish goals, and determine specific actions for improvement (Boylan & Turner, 2017). By integrating the personal development plan, leaders can take responsibility for their growth and development, aligning their individual goals with the objectives out...
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