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Performance Management Plan Proposal. Risk management plan proposal

Essay Instructions:


Performance management is, ideally, an ongoing quality-assurance-based process to provide an organization, its employees, regulatory agencies, accreditors, and other stakeholders with a structured means to support and accomplish mutually identified strategic goals and objectives.

Assume the role of a newly-hired risk management officer for a hypothetical new allied health organization in your chosen career field. You and your team will need to develop the organization's policies.

The first item you will create will be a performance management plan. Using the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) (http://www(dot)hrsa(dot)gov/quality/toolbox/methodology/performancemanagement/index.html) or other qualified framework, craft a proposal (1,250-1,500 words) for a performance management plan for your new organization that includes the following:

Organizational Goals. Provide a statement of your organization's goals in terms of workplace safety, risk management, or quality improvement. Pick one area, and develop five goals for that one area.

Outline of Organizational Objectives. Outline and provide a brief evaluation of specific objectives that support the organizational goals you previously identified.

Summary of Relevant Performance Measures. Summarize the steps and measures your new organization will adopt to measure performance. Consider: (a) How well measures will align with your stated goals? (b) How do these measures demonstrate a relationship to positive health outcomes? (c) Are the measures you select able to be controlled by your organization (i.e., can your organization effect change in this area?)? (d) Which measures meet criteria related to reliability and validity, and which are standardized?

Performance Baseline. Determine a performance baseline for the measures you have selected. This will enable your organization to conduct comparisons of desired goals versus actual results as time moves on.

Performance Evaluation. Select one of three commonly accepted methods to measure provider quality and summarize the features and why it applies best to your organization. Refer to the assigned reading, "The Measurement of Health Care Performance: A Primer From the Council of Medical Specialty Societies," by the Council of Medical Specialty Societies (CPSS) (http://www(dot)cmss(dot)org/uploadedFiles/CMSS_Quality_Primer.pdf).

Definition of Success. Define what success means to the organization. Now that you have chosen measures to assess organizational performance, you need to identify what success means to your organization; otherwise, you are chasing a moving target. Be explicit in the level of performance you see as acceptable. This will change as an organization grows, but you need to start somewhere in order to get anywhere.

You are required to use and cite a minimum of three qualified resources from the readings, qualified websites, or the GCU Library in order to complete this assignment successfully.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Risk management plan proposal
Institution affiliation

In every healthcare organization, risk management is an essential factor that is considered strategically. Broadly, risk management is defined as a set of activities, policies or procedures undertaken to reduce liability exposure (American Society for Healthcare Risk Management, 2009). In healthcare, risk management is the healthcare managers identify the risks and evaluate them as a way of reducing their impact on the patients, staff members and even visitors who come to the organization occasionally. Healthcare organizations such as the ABC clinic are public utilities, it is essential to consider assessing the risks in the organization to prevent the occurrence of strategic operations within it.
The risk management process is also made possible by a Risk Manager who has a responsibility of identifying, analyzing the risks and providing methodologies to prevent losses or liabilities by controlling the situations (Gates, Nicolas, & Walker, 2012). Some of the situations in a healthcare organization can include surgical or medical errors, diagnostic errors, patient privacy breaches and hazardous conditions in the hospitals. This paper thus seeks to present the ABC healthcare risk management plan where aspects such as the organizational goals, organizational objectives, a summary of relevant performance measures, performance baseline, performance evaluation, definition and discussion of success.
Organizational goals
ABC clinic is one growing organization in the United States, which has an aim of providing best quality services to the public. There are some organizational goals I the ABC healthcare delivery system which focuses on improving the quality of healthcare delivery. Some of the goals include:
Delivering proper and enhanced and high-quality care and treatment and care services to the patients. This can be done in many always, for example, keeping constant track of the patient's health and improving their response towards the patients' needs and attention.
The clinic also focuses on increasing the number of nurses and doctors who are highly professional and experienced so as to enable easy work and work towards other strategies that they look forward to achieving. Increasing the number of laborers in the healthcare unit will help in improving the quality of healthcare because there will be enough nurses and caregivers to attend to the patients in time.
Another goal of ABC ...
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